Diseño y Evaluación de Políticas de Innovación

Mapping and assessment of research portfolios (MapRePort)

This project aims to develop an analytical framework for the mapping and assessment of research portfolios. The notion of ?research portfolio? is increasingly used by funding agencies. However, there is no clear understanding and very little research on how to define, map and assess a research portfolio. Here we aim to develop a multi-method approach to investigate a research portfolio of a given disease.


Mapping and assessment of research portfolios (MapRePort)

This project aims to develop an analytical framework for the mapping and assessment of research portfolios. The notion of ?research portfolio? is increasingly used by funding agencies. However, there is no clear understanding and very little research on how to define, map and assess a research portfolio. Here we aim to develop a multi-method approach to investigate a research portfolio of a given disease.


Mapping and assessment of research portfolios (MapRePort)

This project aims to develop an analytical framework for the mapping and assessment of research portfolios. The notion of ?research portfolio? is increasingly used by funding agencies. However, there is no clear understanding and very little research on how to define, map and assess a research portfolio. Here we aim to develop a multi-method approach to investigate a research portfolio of a given disease.


Forward Visions on the European Research Area (VERA)

The VERA project aims to provide relevant strategic intelligence for the future governance and priority-setting of the research, technology, development and innovation (RTDI) system in Europe and for better adapting science, technology and innovation policy to the shifting global environment and upcoming socio-economic challenges. For this purpose VERA carries out an in-depth stocktaking of RTDI related forward looking activities in Europe and internationally and a thorough review oftrends and drivers of long-term change of European RTDI governance.


Forward Visions on the European Research Area (VERA)

The VERA project aims to provide relevant strategic intelligence for the future governance and priority-setting of the research, technology, development and innovation (RTDI) system in Europe and for better adapting science, technology and innovation policy to the shifting global environment and upcoming socio-economic challenges. For this purpose VERA carries out an in-depth stocktaking of RTDI related forward looking activities in Europe and internationally and a thorough review oftrends and drivers of long-term change of European RTDI governance.


Forward Visions on the European Research Area (VERA)

The VERA project aims to provide relevant strategic intelligence for the future governance and priority-setting of the research, technology, development and innovation (RTDI) system in Europe and for better adapting science, technology and innovation policy to the shifting global environment and upcoming socio-economic challenges. For this purpose VERA carries out an in-depth stocktaking of RTDI related forward looking activities in Europe and internationally and a thorough review oftrends and drivers of long-term change of European RTDI governance.


Mci-capital humano, salud y calidad de vida, como bases de un desarrollo sostenible

Los MCIs son una de las piezas clave del proyecto VLC/CAMPUS:

Suponen la configuración de alianzas interinstitucionales establecidas a partir de Estructuras de Investigación de las instituciones integradas en VLC/CAMPUS.

Identifican líneas de investigación estratégicas y definen redes de equipamiento con el que proporcionar servicios de infraestructura.


Mci-capital humano, salud y calidad de vida, como bases de un desarrollo sostenible

Los MCIs son una de las piezas clave del proyecto VLC/CAMPUS:

Suponen la configuración de alianzas interinstitucionales establecidas a partir de Estructuras de Investigación de las instituciones integradas en VLC/CAMPUS.

Identifican líneas de investigación estratégicas y definen redes de equipamiento con el que proporcionar servicios de infraestructura.



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