INGENIO's researcher, Ismael Ràfols, will participate in the EuroScience Open Forum ESOF 2018 | Toulouse, 10/07/2018
Ismael Ràfols will participate in the EuroScience Open Forum (ESOF 2018)
Panel Discussion: "Experiments in responsible metrics: how can we use indicators and data to support open science?" - Tuesday, 10th July 2018
Across the scientific community, there has been an explosion in the range and reach of metrics to capture research qualities, and to benchmark institutional or individual performance. Citations, H-indices, journal impact factors, grant income and other indicators now play a growing role in research management. In the near future, increasingly granular data on research is likely to be combined with more sophisticated metrics for impact, teaching and learning, to give planners and policymakers access to an unprecedented wealth of real-time analytics. However, debates have intensified about pitfalls, such as the concern about a narrowing of managerial focus onto things that can be measured, at the expense of those that matter. Some worry about a reduction in diversity, as an emphasis on particular metrics drives universities to adopt similar priorities, and researchers to focus on lower-risk, incremental work. Others point to the risks of gaming and perverse incentives, exacerbating problems of research integrity and reproducibility. In response, over the past five years, there have been a series of high profile efforts to reform how metrics are used. This session brings together key players from the Netherlands, Spain and the UK, plus a senior policymaker from the European Commission, to review progress, consider prospects and agree next steps on the road towards more responsible metrics.
More information: Programme ESOF