The aim of this research is to analyze the drivers and barriers associated to the adoption of decentralized Renewable Energy Technologies (RET). Decentralized RET include rooftop solar PV, consumer batteries, electric vehicles, and energy management software (among others). The economics of these technologies allows for the installation of energy infrastructure in smaller capacities without losing competitiveness. Although infrastructure deployments may have larger initial costs, the advantages they provide overcome costs. Energy facilities near consumption reduces electrical losses, increases the reliability of the whole system, lowers the need to expand the current grid infrastructure, and enhances competition and efficiency in the sector by increasing the number of active agents in the system. The decentralized scale provides multiple benefits, such as deconcentrating sectors, increasing competition, deferring infrastructure investments, and enhancing consumer awareness. These advantages have led to a resolute support of RET at EU, national and regional scales.
Despite of the crucial role of RET in the structural changes associated with energy transition, the specific nature of drivers and barriers associated with the adoption of decentralized RET remains weakly understood. This research aims to conduct a systematic analysis of the Drivers and Barriers associated to the adoption of RET by considering three context-related factors: (i) technological maturity of the specific technology, (ii) the type of adopter, and (iii) the region in which the process takes place.
In this research we put forward the following research questions:
RQ1. What are the barriers and drivers that most strongly influence the adoption of decentralized Renewable Energy Technologies?
RQ2. To what extent drivers and barriers to decentralized Renewable Energy Technologies differ according to their technology maturity, type of adopter, and location specificities?
Impulsores y barreras para el éxito de la transición energética descentralizada: la importancia del territorio, los adoptantes y la madurez tecnológica
2022 to 2024
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