Evaluation of Anti-Tumor Necrosis Factor Levels and Anti-Tumor Necrosis Factor Antibodies in Rheumatic Diseases Treated with Infliximab and Adalimumab; Preliminary Results From a Local Registry

ACR/ARHP Annual Scientific MeetingACR/ARHP Annual Scientific Meeting
To analyse the clinical relevance of serum levels of infliximab (INF) and adalimumab (ADA) and the production of anti-INF (INF-Abs) or anti-ADA antibodies (ADA-Abs) from a local registry of patients with rheumatic diseases on treatment with INF or ADA. Conclusion: 1. Serum antibodies were detected in 20% of patients receiving treatment with INF and 13% of patients with ADA. 2. Patients responders have absence of Abs and significantly higher serum concentrations of anti-TNF than non-responders. 3. Immunogenicity can induce inefficacy in patients on treatment with anti-TNF.
Chicago, Estados Unidos