1. Victoria Pellicer-Sifres; Pau Lillo Rodrigo
    Queen’s Political Review,
    Vol: 2 (2) - pags 46 - 60
  2. Olmos-Peñuela J., Molas-Gallart J., Castro-Martínez E.
    Science and Public Policy,
    Vol: 41 - pags 493 - 506
  3. Lacomba, Joan; Boni, Alejandra; Cloquell, Alexis; Soledad, Carlos
    Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations,
    Vol: 25 - pags 1 - 22
  4. Rafols, I.; Hopkins, M.M.; Hoekman, J.; Siepel, J.; O'Hare, A.; Perianes-Rodríguez, A.; Nightingale, P.
    Technological Forecasting and Social Change,
    Vol: 81 - pags 22 - 38


  1. Díaz-Faes, A.A.; González-Albo, B.; Galindo, M.P.; Bordons, M.
    Revista Española de Documentación Científica,
    Vol: 36 (1) - pags 1 - 16
  2. Manuel López Estornell
    Sviluppo Locale,
    Vol: 16 - pags 3 - 18
  3. Edwards-Schachter, M.; Castro-Martínez, E.; Sánchez-Barrioluengo, M.; Anlló, G.; Fernández-De-Lucio, I.
    International Journal of Technology Management,
    Vol: 62 - pags 128 - 151
  4. Adela García-Aracil
    Research Evaluation ,
    Vol: 22 - pags 351 - 368
  5. Poveda-Bautista, R.; García-Melón, M.; Baptista, D.C.
    Vol: 2 - pags 1 - 14
  6. Catalina Martínez, Joaquín M. Azagra-Caro, Stéphane Maraut
    Industry and Innovation,
    Vol: 20 - pags 438 - 455
  7. Ana Isabel; JOAQUIN; R; Gutiérrez Gracia, Antonio
    Vol: 51 - pags 547 - 565
  8. López Estornell, Manuel; Barberá Tomás, José David; Garcias-Reche, A; Mas Verdú, Francisco
    European planning studies,
    Vol: - pags 0 - 0
  9. Elena Castro-Martínez; Albert Recasens; Fernando Jiménez-Sáez
    Management decision,
    Vol: 51 - pags 1 276 - 1 292
  10. Anabel Fernández-Mesa, María Iborra and Vicente Safón
    European Journal of International Management,
    Vol: 7 - pags 31 - 55
  11. Doreen Jakob, Pedro Marques
    Professional Geographer,
    Vol: 66 - pags 25 - 31
