1. Aleixandre-Benavent Rafael, Lucas-Domínguez Rut, Sixto-Costoya Andrea, Vidal-Infer Antonio
    Stem Cells and Development,
    Vol: - pags -
  2. Barbara Ribeiro, Lars Bengtsson, Paul Benneworth, Susanne Bührer, Elena Castro-Martínez, Meiken Hansen, Katharina Jarmai, Ralf Lindner, Julia Olmos-Peñuela, Cordula Ott and Philip Shapira
    Journal of Responsible Innovation,
    Vol: - pags 1 - 16
  3. Joaquín M. Azagra-Caro, Robert J.W. Tijssen, Elena M. Tur, Alfredo Yegros-Yegros
    Technological Forecasting & Social Change,
    Vol: - pags 1 - 11
  4. Alejandra Boni Aristizábal, Aurora López-Fogués, Álvaro Fernández-Baldor Martínez, Gynna Farith Millan Franco, Sergio Belda-Miquel
  5. Francesco Vona, Giovanni Marin, Davide Consoli, David Popp
    Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists,
    Vol: 5 - pags 713 - 753
  6. Ismael Ràfols, Llorenç Arguimbau
    BiD: textos universitaris de biblioteconomia i documentació,
    Vol: - pags 1 - 4
  7. Julia Haba-Osca, Alba Ambròs, Julia Osca-Lluch
    Language Teaching and Educational Research,
    Vol: 1 - pags 78 - 93
  8. J. Félix Lozano, Emmanuel Raufflet, Elsa González-Esteban
    Recerca: Revista de pensament i anàlisi,
    Vol: - pags 9 - 18
  9. Joaquín M. Azagra-Caro, Anabel Fernández-Mesa, Nicolás Robinson-García
    Journal of Technology Transfer,
    Vol: - pags 1 - 35
  10. Daniel Gabaldón-Estevan, Liney Manjarrés-Henríquez, F. Xavier Molina-Morales
    Vol: 26 - pags 895 - 914
  11. Pedro Marques
    European Urban and Regional Studies,
    Vol: Advanced online access - pags 1 - 19


  1. Robinson-Garcia, N., Mongeon, P., Wei, J., Costas, R.
    Journal of Informetrics,
    Vol: 11 - pags 841 - 854
  2. Stephen Carley, Alan L. Porter, Ismael Rafols, Loet Leydesdorff
    Journal of Data and Information Science,
    Vol: 2 - pags 68 - 111
  3. Victoria Pellicer-Sifres, Sergio Belda-Miquel, Aurora López-Fogués, Alejandra Boni Aristizábal
    Journal of Human Development and Capabilities,
    Vol: - pags 1 - 17
  4. Pablo Aragonés-Beltrán, Rocío Poveda-Bautista, FernandoJiménez-Sáez
    Journal of Engineering and Technology Management,
    Vol: 44 - pags 19 - 43
  5. Markus Bugge, Lars Coenen, Pedro Marques, Kevin Morgan
    European Planning Studies,
    Vol: 25 - pags 2 138 - 2 156
  6. Diego Chavarro, Puay Tang, Ismael Rafols
    Research Policy,
    Vol: 46 - pags 1 666 - 1 680
  7. Eva Parga-Dans, Elena Castro-Martínez, Mabel Sánchez-Barrioluengo
    Revista española de Documentación Científica,
    Vol: 40 - pags 1 - 14
  8. Aragonés-Beltrán, Pablo; García-Melón, Mónica; Montesinos-Valera, Jesús
    International Journal of Project Management,
    Vol: 35 - pags 451 - 462
  9. Fernández-Zubieta, A., Ramos-Vielba, I. , Zacharewicz, T. M.
    Research and Innovation Observatory country reports series,
    Vol: - pags 1 - 24
  10. Daniele Rotolo, Ismael Rafols, Michael M Hopkins, Loet Leydesdorff
    Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology,
    Vol: 68 - pags 214 - 233
