1. Reig-Otero, Y.; Edwards-Schachter, M.; Feliú-Mingarro, C.; Fernández-de-Lucio, I.
    Journal of Technology Management & Innovation,
    Vol: 29 - pags 56 - 76
  2. Sánchez-Barrioluengo, M.
    Research Europe,
    Vol: 397 - pags 8 - 8
  3. Fernández-Mesa, Anabel; Alegre, Joaquín; García-Granero, Ana
    Economía Industrial,
    Vol: 370 - pags 49 - 57
  4. Ignacio Fernández de Lucio
    Vol: - pags 4 - 6
  5. Carlos Benito Amat
    Vol: 25 - pags 201 - 209
  6. Consoli, D.
    Vol: 345 - pags 883 - 883
  7. África Villanueva-Felez; Ana Fernández-Zubieta; Davinia Palomares-Montero
    Revista Española de Documentación Científica,
    Vol: 37 - pags 1 - 13
  8. Anabel Fernández-Mesa, José Luis Ferreras-Méndez, Joaquin Alegre, Ricardo Chiva
    Industrial Management & Data Systems,
    Vol: 114 - pags 550 - 567
  9. Ramlogan, R.; Consoli, D.
    Journal of Technology Transfer,
    Vol: 39 - pags 544 - 566
  10. Alejandra Boni
    Journal of Human Development and Capabilities: A Multi-Disciplinary Journal for People-Centered Development,
    Vol: - pags -
  11. Alejandra Boni, Jordi Peris, Rosemary McGee, Míriam Acebillo-Baqué and Andrés Hueso
    Journal of International Development,
    Vol: 26 - pags 541 - 555
  12. Joaquín Alegre, Ricardo Chiva, Anabel Fernández-Mesa and José Luis Ferreras-Méndez (Eds.)
    Cambridge Scholars Publishing
  13. Garcia-Granero, A., Vega-Jurado, J. and Alegre, J.
    Innovation: policy, management & practice,
    Vol: 16 - pags 1 - 15
  14. Jordi Molas Gallart
    Vol: - pags 7 - 9
  15. Joaquín M. Azagra-Caro, Rafael Pardo, Ruth Rama
    The Journal of Technology Transfer,
    Vol: 39 - pags 454 - 471


  1. Senabre-Gallego, J.M.; Santos-Ramírez, C.; Santos-Soler, G.; Salas-Heredia, E.; Sánchez-Barrioluengo, M.; Barber, X.; Rosas, J.
    Patient Preference and Adherence,
    Vol: 7 - pags 961 - 972
  2. Elena Castro-Martínez; Albert Recasens; Fernando Jiménez-Sáez
    Management decision,
    Vol: 51 - pags 1 276 - 1 292
  3. Anabel Fernández-Mesa, María Iborra and Vicente Safón
    European Journal of International Management,
    Vol: 7 - pags 31 - 55
  4. Sánchez-Barrioluengo, M
    Vol: 72 - pags 234 - 234
  5. Alejandra Boni y Begoña Arias
    Scuola Democratica,
    Vol: 3 - pags 797 - 816
  6. Lozano, J. Félix
    Daimon. Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Murcia,
    Vol: 59 - pags 183 - 196
