Moralizing Discourses of Artificial Intelligence Strategies

Itziar Castelló
Surrey Business School
Wednesday, 24 February 2021 - 12:00

European institutions formulating Artificial Intelligence (AI) national strategies  try to square the aspiration to exploit its potential with safeguarding their communities against its perceived ills. We show how national strategies  use discursive strategies to construct a new morally oriented social contract. We point to three main strategies aiming at creating the new meaning of AI outlining its moral domain, stabilizing meaning through identification with AI, and enacting meaning via an emotional tension between fear and hope in AI. We contribute to an understanding of the moral legitimation of Science and Technology Innovation (STI) policy through discursive strategies that combine cognitive references, moral domains and emotions. In doing so, we establish the importance of understanding the moralizing aims of STI policy. And the importance of analysing STI policy beyond its new constructs as described in the literature.

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Itziar Castello is Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) at the Department of Digital Economy at Surrey Business School in the UK. Itziar's research offers insights on how entrepreneurs and business make sense and lead change towards more sustainable business in the digital economy. Specifically, she looks at the discursive and governance challenges and opportunities. Itziar has published in peer-reviewed journals such as Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Management Studies, Research Policy, Journal of Business Ethics, Business & Society, Corporate Governance and Journal of Management Development. Her research also frequently appears in general and management venues such as The Huffington Post and Deusto-Harvard Business Review. She is Associate Editor in Business & Society.