Taran Mari Thune

TIK Centre for Technology, Innovation and Culture, University of Oslo & NIFU

Research Professor.

 Background / education:

2006-2007: Senior Researcher, Work Research Institute
2006: Researcher, Work Research Institute
2006: Dr. Oecon, Norwegian School of Management BI
2001-2005: Doctoral Student, Norwegian School of Management BI
2002: Fulbright Fellow / Visiting Scholar, Stanford University
2000: M. Phil. i Comparative and International Education, University of Oslo
1998: Cand. Mag., University of Oslo

Research and innovation studies
University – business relations
Higher education studies
Study of interorganisational relations
 Professional interests:
Innovation and research policy
Competence and innovation
Innovation and research cooperation
Relations universities – business / labour market
Strategy, organisation and management in higher education
Researcher training