Capacidades de Innovación Territorial y de Organización

DIMARTS DE CIÈNCIA TRANSFORMADORA: Lideratges transformadors en la ciència

Martes, 18 Junio 2024 - 00:00
Jordi Cartanyà
Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)

L’Agència de Qualitat i Avaluació Sanitàries de Catalunya (AQuAS) i INGENIO (CSIC-UPV) organitzen Els Dimarts de Ciència Transformadora, un espai comunitari de debat on es comparteixen continguts i bones pràctiques i es convida a generar reflexió i pensament crític sobre aspectes relacionats amb la ciència i la recerca, amb persones de l’ecosistema investigador com a protagonistes.

Proximidad e Innovación: análisis bibliométrico y agenda de investigación

Jueves, 15 Febrero 2024 - 12:00
Victor Pelaez
Universidade Federal do Paraná

El desarrollo del concepto de proximidad en economía (industrial y espacial), a partir de principios de los años 1990, ha estimulado una amplia producción científica en las diferentes ramas de las ciencias sociales. La interacción proximidad/innovación es una de las ramas de investigación más destacadas de esta prolífica literatura académica. La combinación de las respectivas palabras-clave en Web of Science indica que se han publicado cerca de 2000 documentos científicos hasta el año de 2023.

System dynamics as a tool for modelling complex systems

Jueves, 23 Noviembre 2023 - 12:00
Tommaso Brazzini
University of Valladolid

In this presentation I will describe briefly the work within The Group of Energy, Economy and Systems Dynamics (GEEDS) at the University of Valladolid and how system dynamics can help solve certain crucial questions for the socio-ecological transition. Integrated assessment models have the characteristics of including several sectors that interact with each other, system dynamics specifically include the mechanism of feedback loops among different sectors that will be shown in the presentation.

Target Objects and Authority Relationships as Complementary Explanations of (Non)Science Commercialization

Jueves, 2 Noviembre 2023 - 12:00
Inma Aleixos
University of Stuttgart

This is very early stage work, which will benefit from an open and constructive exchange of ideas and discussions with the INGENIO community and network. The idea is part of a work-in-progress study on science (non) commercialization (SC). We aim to explain why SC or other ways of knowledge/technology transfer happen more often in some disciplines than in others. The differentiation between basic and applied research or use-inspired basic research (Stoke, 1997) does not fully explain science non-commercialization and commercialization, respectively, within or across disciplines.

La empresa española y las Universidades europeas. Cooperando para la innovación a lo largo del ciclo económico

Jueves, 28 Septiembre 2023 - 11:00
Ruth Rama
Instituto de Economía, Geografía y Demografía (IEGD), CSIC

La cooperación para la innovación es una modalidad de la innovación abierta que implica la participación activa de una empresa con otras compañías o entidades no comerciales en actividades de innovación, que no necesariamente tienen un enfoque comercial. Investigaciones previas han destacado varios beneficios de la cooperación para la innovación, especialmente en momentos de crisis económica.

Innovation, Income Inequalities and Public Policies

Jueves, 14 Septiembre 2023 - 11:00
Fulvio Castellacci
TIK Centre, University of Oslo

Innovation fosters economic growth and the performance of national systems. At the same time, though, recent literature shows that innovation is also a source of increasing income inequalities. Public policies face thus an important trade-off between efficiency and equity effects of innovation. What are the possible policy strategies to address this trade-off? The paper presents a model of innovation, income inequality and public policies.

Rethinkin university community partnerships contribution to community climate well-being: insights from Malawi

Jueves, 27 Julio 2023 - 11:00
Chimwemwe Phiri
University of the Free State

Chimwemwe will discuss opportunities for partnerships, priorities, and contributions of university-community partnerships for climate adaptation in Malawi. He will further share insights on how the human development approach, which foregrounds people-centeredness to development and focuses on expanding the richness of human life aside from the richness of the economy, can be applied to design university-community partnership models for the climate change approach in Malawi.

Smart Cities – Delivering Public Value through Responsible Urban Digital Innovation

Jueves, 20 Julio 2023 - 11:00
Jennifer Schooling
Cambridge Centre for Smart Infrastructure and Construction

Dr Schooling will discuss the opportunities and challenges presented by city-scale digitalisation, with a focus on three core aspects: governance, ethics and technology. She will describe the findings of the Digital Cities for Change programme, funded by the Ove Arup Foundation,  which evaluates both the existing structures and systems of city and infrastructure management, and investigates how digital tools can help better decision-making within these areas.

Walking the green line: government-sponsored R&D and clean technologies in the US

Viernes, 14 Julio 2023 - 11:00
Francesco Rentocchini
European Commission Joint Research Centre

We examine whether government sponsored R&D induces the development of clean technologies with a high impact on subsequent technological development. The analysis uses information on USPTO patents granted between 2005 and 2015 and combines different methods to control for possible sorting of projects into public funding and for non-random (public) treatment. We also assess the distributional impact of government sponsored R&D.


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