DIMARTS DE CIÈNCIA TRANSFORMADORA: Transformative Leadership in Science

Jonathan Grant
Different Angles
Martes, 18 Junio 2024 - 00:00

La Agència de Qualitat i Avaluació Sanitàries de Catalunya (AQuAS) e INGENIO (CSIC-UPV) organizan Els Dimarts de Ciència Transformadora, un espacio comunitario de debate donde se comparten contenidos y buenas prácticas. Se invita a generar reflexión y pensamiento crítico sobre aspectos relacionados con la ciencia y la investigación, con personas del ecosistema investigador como protagonistas.

Esta es la próxima sesión:

Research environments are diverse human communities driven by the forces of inquiry at the edge of knowledge in order to pursue “the new”. Research groups are the cells of such environments acting as micro-communities usually working in local (research centres, universities) and global scientific networks. So, individuals, groups and networks act as components of the science ecosystem which is increasingly open to other “outsider” players.

In these science ecosystems, leadership has commonly been understood and linked to the capacity of senior scientists (male mainly) to enhance the research performance. Let’s also take a complementary view of leadership as a process and as an “energy” that emanates from individuals, but also from the collective field, to unleash the capacities of these research environments.

So, in order to evolve towards a transformative science (transformative in the results and the process that conduce to them) let’s hypothesize that transformative leaderships are needed.

Jonathan Grant, Different Angles
Magda Barceló, coach, autora i comunicadora
Valentí Sallares, ICM-CSIC

Modera: Jordi Cartanyà, URV


Formato híbrido (presencial y en línea).

Próximamente se abrirán las inscripciones presenciales para la sesión.