Policy Design & Evaluation

Policies for Research and Innovation in the Move towards The European Research Area - PRIME. (AQUAMETHPSR) Advanced Quantitative Methods To Evaluate The Performance of Public Sector Research.

This project aims at exploring and exploiting the potential of advanced quantitative methods for evaluating the performance of Public Sector Research (PSR). Analysing in particular the system of universities, this is an exploratory project based on the availability of national data at the micro level (university or department) that include at least a minimum set of inputs and outputs. Among the inputs we consider mainly: number of personnel by category (research, technical, administrative);(possibly) number of research personnel by type; funding.


Policies for Research and Innovation in the Move towards The European Research Area - PRIME. (AQUAMETHPSR) Advanced Quantitative Methods To Evaluate The Performance of Public Sector Research.

This project aims at exploring and exploiting the potential of advanced quantitative methods for evaluating the performance of Public Sector Research (PSR). Analysing in particular the system of universities, this is an exploratory project based on the availability of national data at the micro level (university or department) that include at least a minimum set of inputs and outputs. Among the inputs we consider mainly: number of personnel by category (research, technical, administrative);(possibly) number of research personnel by type; funding.


Policies for Research and Innovation in the Move towards The European Research Area - PRIME. (AQUAMETHPSR) Advanced Quantitative Methods To Evaluate The Performance of Public Sector Research.

This project aims at exploring and exploiting the potential of advanced quantitative methods for evaluating the performance of Public Sector Research (PSR). Analysing in particular the system of universities, this is an exploratory project based on the availability of national data at the micro level (university or department) that include at least a minimum set of inputs and outputs. Among the inputs we consider mainly: number of personnel by category (research, technical, administrative);(possibly) number of research personnel by type; funding.


Las Misiones de la Universidad y su Complementaridad. Nuevos Métodos de Evaluación en Términos de Eficiencia

El objeto del proyecto es doble, por un lado, se pretende definir una metodología y un sistema de indicadores que permitan medir la eficiencia de la actividad universitaria -en su conjunto y de cada una de sus misiones (docencia, investigación y tercera misión)- y, por otro, determinar empíricamente el grado de complementariedad/ sustituibilidad entre las tres misiones de la universidad.



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