SUPER MoRRI is funded by the European Union under the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme.
SUPER MoRRI is funded by the European Union under the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme.
SUPER MoRRI is funded by the European Union under the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme.
El pasado jueves 30 de mayo, INGENIO (CSIC-UPV) realizó una jornada de trabajo sobre indicadores de investigación e innovación en España, relacionados con la dimensión de justicia social, desde el enfoque de Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI). En la sesión de trabajo participaronpersonas expertas en los ámbitos de responsabilidad social, innovación y sostenibilidad, representantes de cooperativas, fundaciones y empresas de inserción, agentes sociales de distintos perfiles y personal investigador vinculado a la cooperación al desarrollo
INGENIO organiza el PhDay Seminar, un seminario convocado para que los estudiantes de Doctorado tengan la oportunidad de compartir parte de sus trabajos de investigación y recibir feedback de los investigadores senior del Instituto.
"Away Day" es una jornada donde todo el personal de INGENIO tendrá la oportunidad de compartir y conocer en mayor profundidad el trabajo de investigación que se está desarrollando en el Instituto.
Los investigadores y las investigadoras del centro darán breves charlas para compartir las distintas líneas de investigación en las que están trabajando actualmente, sin un formato académico y en un ambiente relajado y distendido.
More information available on the conference website.
December 3 and 4, 2015 at INGENIO [CSIC-UPV] Edificio 8E, acc. J, 4ª planta Ciudad Politécnica de la Innovación (CPI) - Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
Since 1992, the Meeting of the Economics of Education Association has been organized annually by The Association of Education Economics (AEDE). This year the XXIII Meeting will be hosted in Valencia, Spain, 2014. In this congress, there is room for reflections on education finance, planning and management, equity and efficiency problems, failure and dropout, human capital and economic development, labour insertion and training.
The 2014 Pioneers into Practice (PIP) programme starts with a workshop in which activities planned for 2014 will be presented.
This workshop, referred to as Regional Introductory Workshop, intends that especially pioneers get familiar with the philosophy, activities and expectations that 2014 PIP Programme has set as a challenge. The current call has some novelties , such as the involvement of some Portuguese pioneers in the outreach framework and the stronger engagement of the hosts.
The Eu-SPRI Forum ECC: “Interdisciplinarity in the Study of the Dynamics of Science, Technology and Innovation” (2014 INGENIO PhD Days) is a two-day event for PhD students and young scholars interested in the broad field of Science, Technology and Innovation. The conference stretches over two days of presentations and intense debates with junior and senior scholars. Participants have the opportunity to present their research and receive feedback from young and experienced scholars in the field.
The 2013 INGENIO PhD Days took place the 9-10 May 2013 at Valencia, Spain, and was organized by INGENIO [CSIC-UPV]. It offered a platform for international networking to aspiring academic researchers. Attendees had the opportunity to present their research projects, to receive feedback from international experts and to engage an open debate with peer doctoral students from around the world. The event had stretch over two days.
Using a social network lens, we look at collaboration networks between authors and inventors. Specifically, we study how the presence of publishing inventors in an R&D team affects the quality of the inventions to which they contribute. We analyze the characteristics of publishing inventors by identifying those who span the same or distinct groups in the co-authorship network and thereby provide access to more or less redundant knowledge.
In recent decades an international building system has emerged through the central cities in both industrialized and developing countries. This system includes materials and components that overlap and work simultaneously with regional and local practices. The interaction between innovations developed at different international and local perspectives on building systems could explain how a variety of sustainable construction techniques have emerged in different locations.
As a concept the “third mission” of the university is barely a decade old. It has however become rapidly popular to refer to a further goal to add to the universities traditional teaching and research missions: the perceived need to engage with societal demands and link the university with its socio-economic context. Today governments develop third mission policies, allocate funding streams to its development (the so-called “third stream”), policy-makers and experts are developing indicator systems, and academics lively debate how to integrate the three missions within a coherent university strategy and whether the pursuit of one mission may be detrimental to the others. Yet, despite its success as a concept, it remains a contested one, mainly because of two reasons.