Alejandra Boni has published two new articles


Alejandra Boni, Ingenio (CSIC-UPV), has published two new articles:

1. Exploring accountability discourses and practices in the Spanish aid system

Journal of International Development, Vol. 26, Issue 4, May 2014,pages 541-555     

Authors: Alejandra Boni, Jordi Peris, Rosemary McGee, Míriam Acebillo-Baqué and Andrés Hueso


This article aims to explore the different accountability discourses of the various actors in the Spanish international aid system and to examine them in light of the various theoretical interpretations of development accountability. The conclusions reached suggest a technical and financial accountability model, largely isolated from international debates where political and social issues are at the core of the concept. Although this can be explained by a range of factors which are specific to the Spanish aid system, there are also interesting tendencies that are deepening a new understanding and practice of the idea.


2. Immigrant Associations and Co-development Policies. Among the Opportunities for Strengthening and the Risks of Cooptation in the Case of Valencia Region (Spain)

Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, September 2014, , 1-22 

Authors: Lacomba, Joan; Boni, Alejandra; Cloquell, Alexis; Soledad, Carlos


The implementation of policies that have sought to involve immigrant associations in the development of their countries of origin, under the name of codevelopment, was a novelty in Spain during the last decade. This new model of development cooperation carried out by the migrants themselves has not only generated new opportunities for its associations, but also significant risks, especially in the field of decentralized cooperation driven by autonomous communities. In this article, we present the specific case of the Valencian Community, where the codevelopment reached a considerable degree of implementation between 2006 and 2012. Through the analysis of Valencian co-development policies, it is possible to see how immigrant associations have actually occupied a secondary place in the new cooperation schemes against the NGO Development, while many have abandoned their protest to focus on projects and proposals for welfare activities.