Considering a Marie Curie application? INGENIO can help


INGENIO (CSIC-UPV) invites international researchers who aim to develop their careers in the fields of innovation, science and technology policy studies and human and sustainable development through a Marie Curie funded action, to partner with INGENIO as their Host Institution. INGENIO has a track record of hosting Marie Curie Fellows and supporting their research and broader academic experience. As the prospective Host Institution, INGENIO can provide institutional support and professional assistance with the preparation and submission of the Marie Curie application.

INGENIO’s research on science and innovation addresses four main interconnected areas. Candidates are invited to draft proposals around topics within these three areas:

1. Analysis of knowledge generation and use. A main objective here is to study the evolving forms of scientific knowledge generation and the nature and implications of interdisciplinary science, including its effects on the forms of engagement between scientists and research stakeholders, applying a variety of methods, including bibliometric techniques. This builds on and expands our previous work on University-Society relations by paying particular attention to network characteristics, and using innovative techniques to study the interplay between knowledge generation and its development and diffusion.

2. The organization of innovation and research processes is analysed with reference to specific economic sectors and innovation fields. For instance, we focus on the biomedical sector analysing institutional and organizational changes and the nature of inter-organizational knowledge exchange in this area. We are also developing our research on “green technologies” and specific organizational aspects of social innovation processes.

3. The analysis and evaluation of science and innovation policies and activities, by contributing to methodological development, expanding our presence in relevant national and international policy forums, and seeking involvement in evaluation projects.

4. Analysis of projects interventions, policies and institutions from a human and sustainable perspective. This approach based on core values such equity, diversity, participation, sustainability and justice allows for front-line interdisciplinary research on global challenges such climate change, poverty, inequality, democratization, global ethics, energy, education, etc. Micro, meso, national and global perspectives are encouraged both in Southern and Northern countries.

Other topics related to these three main areas are also very welcome. However, potential applicants should be aware that Marie Curie assessment criteria include the adequacy of the project to the research areas and institutional aims of the Host Institute.

More information

The list of INGENIO’s supervisors is the following (for detailed information on the supervisor possible research interests, please contact them directly):