
Find below the list of publications


  1. Jordi Molas-Gallart, Ismael Rafols, Puay Tang:
    Journal of Science Policy and Research Management,
    Vol: 29 - pags 69 - 89
  2. Adela García-Aracil; Isabel Neira; José Féliz Lozano:
    Journal of the European Higher Education Area,
    Vol: 4 - pags 15 - 32
  3. Adela García-Aracil:
    Higher Education,
    Vol: - pags -
  4. Carlos Benito Amat:
    Vol: 25 - pags 201 - 209
  5. Diego Chavarro, Puay Tang, and Ismael Rafols :
    Research Evaluation,
    Vol: 23 - pags 195 - 209
  6. Consoli, D., Elche, D.:
    R&D Management,
    Vol: 44 - pags 341 - 354
  7. Sánchez-Barrioluengo, M.:
    Research Europe,
    Vol: 397 - pags 8 - 8
  8. Richard Woolley, Mabel Sánchez-Barrioluengo, Tim Turpin and Jane Marceau:
    Science and Public Policy,
    Vol: December - pags 1 - 16
  9. Julia Olmos-Peñuela; Elena Castro-Martínez:
    Revista Española de Documentación Científica,
    Vol: 37 - pags 1 - 11
