Participatory Action Research.
Participatory Action Research (PAR) emphasizes participation and action. It aims at providing social change and empowering the people involved in the process. At the Research Centre of Faculty of Economics located in the University of Szeged, we are diverse group of five scholars who aim to bridge the gap between academia and practice by using PAR. In this presentation I will describe the projects that we are involved in as well as the theoretical foundations of those. Our key research fields are: local development, local sustainability, citizen participation, innovation, technology and human well-being, community-driven and responsible innovation, pro-poor development and policy analysis in the above fields.We carry out these activities by considering three approaches simultaneously: Capability approach; Ecological economics; and Science and society.
Ciudad Politécnica de la Innovación
Edificio 8G, Acceso A o B, Planta 4ª (Sala IMAGINA. Cubo Verde)
Universidad Politécnica de Valencia | Camino de Vera s/n
Dr. Gyorgy Malovic - University of Szeged, Faculty of Economics, Research Centre:
Areas of research:
• local development
• local sustainability
• citizen participation
• participatory action research (PAR)
• innovation, technology and human well-being
• community-driven and responsible innovation
• pro-poor development
• policy analysis in the above fields
1. Capability approach.
2. Ecological economics.
3. Science and society.
Besides the work at the Faculty, Gyorgy is co-funder (together with 10 other academics) of an NGO called Community-based Research for Sustainability Association (CRS) -
CSR activity has four main streams:
1. Fostering participatory process in the development of Natura 2000 areas.
2. Partnership in the integrated urban development of Szeged.
3. Participatory action research in Roma segregates (Szeged).
4. Organizing „scientific-activist conferences” on emergent/actual issues having both scientific and social relevance (science-society), e.g. science and policymaking, basic income, local social policy.