Nabil Amara holds a PhD in political science. He is currently Professor in the Department of management, in the Faculty of business administration at the University Laval (Quebec) and was co-director of FCRSS / CIHR Chair on Knowledge transfer and innovation. He is an expert in quantitative techniques and has taught at Laval University in studies first cycle, second cycle and doctorate. Among the subjects he has taught we should note the following: research methodology, management value chain of knowledge, organization and management: methods, evaluation research, public opinion and government policy analysis.
His areas of interest include innovation and technological transfer strategies in SMEs, knowledge management in organizations, technological entrepreneurship, efficiency measurement in organizations and research commercialization
Principal investigator of numerous research projects and contracts with public and private. Active member of several scientific associations and networks as RNSI (Réseau national sur les systèmes régionaux d’innovation), RESER (The European Research Network on Services and Space ), NAIRnet /North America Innovation Research Network, DRUID (The Danish Research Unit for Industrial Dynamics, The Triple Helix y RQSI (Réseau du Québec pour l’étude et la promotion des systèmes d’innovation).
External reviewer of prestigious international journals (Research Policy, Journal of Technology Transfer, Technovation, etc.).
He has received numerous awards throughout his research career such as:
- Médaille de la recherche, Faculty of business administration of Université Laval (2009; 2011).
- Prix Hermès d'excellence en recherche, Faculty of business administration of Université Laval (2009).
- Distinction Socrate. Faculty of business administration of Université Laval (2005-2006; 2006-2007; 2007-2008; 2008-2009; 2009-2010; 2010-2011).
- Best Runner Up Paper at IAMOT 2008 awarded to Olivier Boiral and Nabil Amara at The 17th International Conference on Management of Technology “Creating and Managing a Knowledge Economy”, Dubai International Convention and Exhibition Centre, Dubai, UAE, April 6-10, 2008.
- Louis Brownlow Award presented by The American Society for Public Administration (ASPA) for the best Public Administration Review article written by a practitioner awarded to Réjean Landry, Nabil Amara and Moktar Lamari for the paper "The Extent and Determinants of the Utilization of University Research in Government Agencies" published in the March/April 2003 issue of Public Administration Review.
- Elsevier prize for the Best TFSC Paper for 2002 awarded to Réjean Landry, Nabil Amara and Moktar Lamari for the paper "Does Social Capital Determine Innovation? To What Extent?" published in the September 2002 issue of Technological Forecasting and Social Change.
- Prize of the Société Canadienne d’Économie Rurale et de Gestion Agricole in the Best Canadian dissertations in rural economy competition, 1990.
Also, among his recent publications, we can highlight the following:
Amara, N., and Landry, R. (Forthcoming). «Counting citations in the field of business and management: why use Google Scholar rather than the Web of Science», Scientometrics. DOI: 10.1007/s11192-012-0729-2
Landry, R. and Amara, N. (2012). «Proofs of Principle: Why Do University Researchers Make Efforts to Prove that Their Inventions Work?», International Journal of Technology Management, 58(3/4): 174-212.
Landry, R. and Amara, N. (2012). «Elucidation and enhancement of knowledge and technology transfer business models» VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems, 42(1): 94 -116.
Landry, R., Amara, N. and Doloreux, D. (2012). «Knowledge-exchange strategies between KIBS firms and their clients», Service Industries Journal, 32(1-2): 291-320.
Laroche, E., and Amara, N. (2011). «Improving the transfer of occupational health and safety research towards workplaces», Safety Science, 49(3): 406-415.
Halilem, N., Amara, N., and Landry, R. (2011). «Between the Academic Ivory Tower and the emerging institutional management: A nested analysis of the variance of the researcher’s activities from natural sciences and engineering in Canadian Universities», Scientometrics. 86(2): 431-448.
Amara, N., Landry, R., Halilem, N., and Traoré, N. (2010). «Patterns of Innovation Capabilities and City Regions: Evidence from the Statistics Canada Innovation Survey on Services», Industry & Innovation. 17(2): 163–192.
Landry, R. Saihi, M., Amara N., and Ouimet, M. (2010). «Evidence on How Academics Manage their Portfolio of Knowledge Transfer Activities», Research Policy. 39(10): 1387-1403.