1. Pablo D?Este; Elena Castro Martínez; Jordi Molas-Gallart
    Organización de Estados Iberoamericanos para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura (OEI), INGENIO (CSIC-UPV) y RICYT
  2. Pablo D'Este, Francesco Rentocchini, Jaider Vega-Jurado
    Industry and Innovation,
    Vol: 21 - pags 1 - 19
  3. Elche, D., Consoli, D.
    Economia Industrial,
    Vol: 393 - pags 141 - 152
  4. Anabel Fernández-Mesa, Joaquín Alegre
    International Business Review,
    Vol: - pags -
  5. David Barberá-Tomás, Francesc Palau, Africa Villanueva, Richard Woolley
    Vol: - pags 17 - 19
  6. Díaz-Faes, A.A.; Bordons, M.
    Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology ,
    Vol: 65 (9) - pags 1 834 - 1 849
  7. Fernández-Baldor, Álvaro; Boni Aristizábal, Alejandra; Lillo Rodrigo, Pau; Hueso, Andrés
    Journal of Human Development and Capabilities,
    Vol: 5 - pags 13 - 27
  8. Victoria Pellicer-Sifres; Pau Lillo Rodrigo
    Queen’s Political Review,
    Vol: 2 (2) - pags 46 - 60
  9. Adela García-Aracil; Isabel Neira; José Féliz Lozano
    Journal of the European Higher Education Area,
    Vol: 4 - pags 15 - 32
  10. Olmos-Peñuela J., Castro-Martínez, E., Fernández-Esquinas, M.
    Revista Española de Documentación Científica,
    Vol: 37 - pags 1 - 15
  11. Rentocchini, F.; D'Este, P.; Manjarrés-Henríquez, L.; Grimaldi, R.
    International Journal of Industrial Organization,
    Vol: 32 - pags 70 - 83
  12. Pablo Aragonés-Beltrán, Fidel Chaparro-González, Juan-Pascual Pastor-Ferrando, Andrea Pla-Rubio
    Vol: - pags 222 - 238
  13. Joaquín M. Azagra-Caro, Rafael Pardo, Ruth Rama
    The Journal of Technology Transfer,
    Vol: 39 - pags 454 - 471
  14. Sánchez-Barrioluengo, M.
    Research Policy,
    Vol: 43 - pags 1 760 - 1 773
  15. Alexandre Apsan Frediani, Alejandra Boni and Des Gasper
    Journal of Human Development and Capabilities,
    Vol: 15 - pags 1 - 12
  16. D´Ippolito, B., Miozzo, M. and Consoli, D.
    Research Policy,
    Vol: 43 - pags 1 334 - 1 352


  1. Elena Castro-Martínez; Albert Recasens; Fernando Jiménez-Sáez
    Management decision,
    Vol: 51 - pags 1 276 - 1 292
  2. Anabel Fernández-Mesa, María Iborra and Vicente Safón
    European Journal of International Management,
    Vol: 7 - pags 31 - 55
