Training ambidextrous managers through their relationships in management lessons

XXIII CONGRESO NACIONAL DE ACEDE SEPTIEMBRE 2013. Estrategia empresarial y sostenibilidad: un compromiso con la sociedad
Classical Ambidexterity research focuses on firm and business unit level. Therefore, conceptual and empirically validated understanding about ambidexterity at the individual level of analysis is still needed. Integrating ambidexterity and social network theories, we demonstrate that this ability can result from the networks linking individuals. We studied four complete networks of management courses with 129 students in order to learn how people studying how to become managers interact between them and how those with a more central role in the network achieve better balance of ambidexterity levels. Consequently, we can understand which kind of behavior related with networks is necessary to achieve a correct balance in ambidexterity levels. The paper increases our understanding about managers’ ambidexterity and about how a different role in networks is related to variation in managers´ ambidexterity. Our finding clarifies a way for developing a better training in management courses to increase the ambidexterity of future managers.
Málaga. España.
Anabel Fernández-Mesa, Ronald Clarke, Africa Villanueva-Felez