Comisión Europea

Mapping the Population, Careers, Mobilities and Impacts of Advanced Research Degree Graduates in the Social Sciences and Humanities (POCARIM)

This proposal is made in direct response to the call for submissions under Supporting Measures 8.8.3. It responds to the call for studies to increase our understanding of the career paths and employment patterns and contribution of doctoral graduates in the social sciences and humanities. The study focuses on three Objectives:

Intangible Assets and Regional Economic Growth (IAREG)

The objective of the IAREG Project is to analyze the role played by intangible assets (IA) in the generation of innovation, competitiveness and consequently economic growth and increases in productivity at regional level with a special emphasis on the geographical space in which such processes occur.
To develop new indicators for improving the measuring of the IA considered having the most influence in the generation of economic development.
To analyze how IA and their interaction define the environment affecting firms? location.

Forward Visions on the European Research Area (VERA)

The VERA project aims to provide relevant strategic intelligence for the future governance and priority-setting of the research, technology, development and innovation (RTDI) system in Europe and for better adapting science, technology and innovation policy to the shifting global environment and upcoming socio-economic challenges. For this purpose VERA carries out an in-depth stocktaking of RTDI related forward looking activities in Europe and internationally and a thorough review oftrends and drivers of long-term change of European RTDI governance.

Policies for Research and Innovation in the Move towards The European Research Area - PRIME. (AQUAMETHPSR) Advanced Quantitative Methods To Evaluate The Performance of Public Sector Research.

This project aims at exploring and exploiting the potential of advanced quantitative methods for evaluating the performance of Public Sector Research (PSR). Analysing in particular the system of universities, this is an exploratory project based on the availability of national data at the micro level (university or department) that include at least a minimum set of inputs and outputs. Among the inputs we consider mainly: number of personnel by category (research, technical, administrative);(possibly) number of research personnel by type; funding.

Climate KIC - Pioneers into Practice (2012)

The Pioneers into Practice programme is included as an activity in the Climate-KIC Business Plan 2012 as part of the Entrepreneurship pillar. It aims to change the day to day practices of professionals with current responsibilities in business, government and research. The narrow specialisation of these roles is unsuited to the demands of systemic innovation. Sector specific managers need to become boundary-crossing low carbon entrepreneurs.

Public Research Organisation Technology Offices Network Europe (Pro-Ton Europe). Interface Observator.

Public Research Organisations Transfer Office Network (Pro Ton Europe) (2002-2005), es un proyecto financiado por la D.G de Empresas de la Comisión Europea en el marco de la iniciativa «Gate2Growth» (contrct nº IPS-2000-1104) y liderado por K.U. Leuven R&D, en cuyo desarrollo participan otras 13 entidades europeas.

Policy Incentives for the Creation of Knowledge: Methods and Evidence (PICK-ME)

The ongoing global economic crisis is seriously challenging advanced capitalistic economies. In the last year the GDP has fallen at dramatic rates, creating the conditions for the upsurge of unemployment, above all in areas characterized by specialization in mature industries. According to recent growth models and empirical evidence, innovation and knowledge creation represent the main factors able to improve the competitiveness and the long run perspectives of growth of countries.

Social impacts Assessment Methods for research and funding instruments through the study of Productive Interactions between science and society.

The objectives of the project are to:

1. Identify productive interactions between researchers and society in four fields (nanotechnology, health, ICT and social sciences) that are funded within the Framework Program and in national contexts. For each of these fields we will analyse the range of expected and actual social impacts, and the interactions through which these impacts are realised.

2. Improve our understanding of the necessity of productive interactions as a condition for research to have a social impact.

Advances Quantitative Methods for the Evaluation of the Performance of Public Sector Research - Phase 2.

The project is the continuation of the AQUAMETH project (2004-2005), that has delivered an integrated dataset across six European countries: Italy, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, UK; a series of papers; and a forthcoming book (2006).

The scientific objectives of the AQUAMEHT - phase 2 project are:

a) consolidating and expanding the AQUAMETH methodology and dataset to new countries: Germany, Netherlands, Hungary and France;

b) exploring new issues using the integrated AQUAMETH dataset, in particular:


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