1. I. Aparisi-Cerdá, D. Ribó-Pérez, J. Gomar-Pascual, J. Pineda-Soler, R. Poveda-Bautista, M. García-Melón
    Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,
    Vol: 189 - pags 1 - 13
  2. Gossart Cédric & Cynthia Srnec
    Journal of Innovation Economics & Management,
    Vol: 1(43) - pags 215 - 246
  3. Özman Müge & Cédric Gossart
    VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations,
    Vol: 35(2) - pags 374 - 385
  4. Mistral Van Oudenhove * , María Martínez-Mena, María Almagro , Elvira Díaz-Pereira , Efraín Carrillo, Joris de Vente , Cristina Fernández-Soler , Raquel Luján-Soto and Carolina Boix-Fayos
    Biology and Life Sciences Forum,
    Vol: 30 - pags 1 - 7
  5. Ozman Müge & Cédric Gossart
    Management International / International Management / Gestiòn Internacional,
    Vol: 28(4) - pags 55 - 67
  6. Marta Maicas Pérz, Alejandra Boni Aristizabal, Álvaro Fernández-Baldor Martínez
    Revista Prisma Social,
    Vol: - pags 307 - 330
  7. Cristina Fernández-Soler, Noelia Garcia-Franco, María Almagro, Elvira Díaz-Pereira , Raquel Luján, Eloísa García, María Martínez-Mena
    Soil Use and management,
    Vol: - pags 1 - 21
  8. Ozman Muge, Cédric Gossart, Nicolas Jullien
    International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing,
    Vol: 21(3) - pags 539 - 564
  9. Gossart
    cf. GS page,
    Vol: - pags 1 - 1


  1. Sara Sánchez López, Dani Jennifer Barrington, Rocio Poveda Bautista, Santiago Moll López
    BMC Women’s Health,
    Vol: 23 - pags 1 - 14
  2. Anderson, C., Pimbert, M., Binimelis, R., Rivera-Ferre, M.G.
    Springer Book
  3. Consoli, D., Castellacci, F., Santoalha, A.
    Industry & Innovation,
    Vol: 30 - pags 919 - 946
  4. Yinglong Qiu; Adela García-Aracil; Rosa Isusi-Fagoaga
    Education Sciences,
    Vol: 13 - pags 1 - 15
  5. Gossart, Cédric
    International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development,
    Vol: forthcoming - pags 1 - 1
  6. Sara Sánchez López, Dani Jennifer Barrington, Rocio Poveda Bautista, Santiago Moll López
    BMC Women’s Health,
    Vol: 23 - pags 1 - 14
  7. Wenceslao Arroyo-Machado, Adrián A. Díaz-Faes, Enrique Herrera-Viedma, Rodrigo Costas
    Vol: - pags 1 - 15
  8. Adrián A. Díaz-Faes, Óscar Llopis, Pablo D'Este, Jordi Molas-Gallart
    Research Evaluation,
    Vol: rvad003 - pags 1 - 15
  9. Davide Consoli, Valeria Costantini, Elena Paglialunga
    Research Policy,
    Vol: 52 - pags 1 - 21
  10. Ferrán Catalá-López, Adolfo Alonso-Arroyo, Matthew J. Page, Lourdes Castelló-Cogollos, Brian Hutton, Manuel Ridao, Rafael Tabarés-Seisdedos, Rafael Aleixandre-Benavent, David Moher
    Journal of Clinical Epidemiology,
    Vol: 157 - pags 22 -
  11. Gianna Angermayr, Andrés Palacio, Cristina Chaminade
    Vol: 15 - pags 15 439 -
  12. Hamed Vagheei, Alex Laini, Paolo Vezza, Guillermo Palau-Salvador, Fulvio Boano
    Science of The Total Environment,
    Vol: 893 - pags 164 645 -
  13. Adela García-Aracil, Rosa Isusi-Fagoaga, Sílvia Monteiro, Leandro Almeida
    Education Sciences,
    Vol: 13 - pags 1 - 14
  14. Itziar Castelló, David Barberá-Tomás, Eero Vaara
    Journal of Business Venturing,
    Vol: 38 - pags 106 302 -
  15. Ruth M-Domènech y Clara Furió-Vico
    Primas Social,
    Vol: 43 - pags 58 - 79
  16. Raúl Tabarés; Alejandra Boni
    International Journal of Technology and Design Education,
    Vol: - pags 1 - 20
