Exploring emerging innovation system in regenerative medicine: Role of university in innovating and commercializing new therapies.
In this seminar, Tuomo Heinonen presents his plan and preliminary results of doctoral thesis. Thesis focus on innovation in regenerative medicine (RM), which is a new stream in healthcare beside medicine and surgery with the aim of restoring normal human functioning by replacing or regenerating cells, tissues or organs. RM includes products from all the pillars of healthcare i.e. pharmaceuticals, biopharmaceuticals, medical devices and cell therapies, and focus in this study is especially in cell therapy industry. Empirically the study is based on a single case study in Tampere, Finland, where university ecosystem was studied.
Ciudad Politécnica de la Innovación
Edificio 8E, Acceso J, Planta 4ª (Sala Debate. Cubo Rojo)
Universidad Politécnica de Valencia | Camino de Vera s/n
Tuomo Heinonen holds a B.Sc. (major in software systems) and a M.Sc. (major in medical informatics) from Tampere University of Technology. Currently he is a doctoral student in the University of Tampere, School of Management with major in regional studies, focusing to regenerative medicine innovation and commercialization processes. Prior being the doctoral student, he has a 3 years’ experience from healthcare IT industry.