Comisión Europea

Climate KIC - Pioneers into Practice (2011)

The Pioneers into Practice programme is included as an activity in the Climate-KIC Business Plan 2011 as part of the Entrepreneurship pillar. It aims to change the day to day practices of professionals with current responsibilities in business, government and research. The narrow
specialisation of these roles is unsuited to the demands of systemic innovation. Sector specific managers need to become boundary-crossing low carbon entrepreneurs.

Policies for Research and Innovation in the Move towards The European Research Area - PRIME. Unpacking Geographical Spaces in Research and Innovation in Europe (ERA - Spaces).

The proposed project, in line with PRIME objectives, acknowledges the new challenges (economic, social and ethical) posed by a changing scientific landscape in Europe, characterised by increasing globalisation of research, by the emergence of new search regimes and by changes in knowledge production and circulation.

CESAR:Contribución de la Educación Superior de América Latina a las relaciones con el entorno socioeconómico.

El Proyecto CESAR (Contribución de la Educación Superior de América Latina a las Relaciones con el Entorno Socioeconómico) está financiado por la Comisión Europea, dentro del programa ALFA III, y tiene como objetivo profesionalizar la gestión de las relaciones con el entorno socioeconómico y consolidar las estructuras dedicadas a ello en una serie de universidades latinoamericanas, para que contribuyan más eficazmente a un desarrollo económico y social de sus países y regiones.

Structure and performance of overlapping networks of scientifics-inventors: a comparative analysis between Italy and Spain (OVERNET)

Proyecto financiando con fondos de la Unión Europea a través de las Acciones Marie Curie - COFUND y en colaboración con la Universidad de Trento (Italia). El proyecto será supervisado por Pablo D'Este, Científico Titular del CSIC.

Mapping the Population, Careers, Mobilities and Impacts of Advanced Research Degree Graduates in the Social Sciences and Humanities (POCARIM)

This proposal is made in direct response to the call for submissions under Supporting Measures 8.8.3. It responds to the call for studies to increase our understanding of the career paths and employment patterns and contribution of doctoral graduates in the social sciences and humanities. The study focuses on three Objectives:

Intangible Assets and Regional Economic Growth (IAREG)

The objective of the IAREG Project is to analyze the role played by intangible assets (IA) in the generation of innovation, competitiveness and consequently economic growth and increases in productivity at regional level with a special emphasis on the geographical space in which such processes occur.
To develop new indicators for improving the measuring of the IA considered having the most influence in the generation of economic development.
To analyze how IA and their interaction define the environment affecting firms? location.


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