Comisión Europea

Fibre Nervous Sensing Systems. FINESSE

The objective behind FINESSE (FIbre NErvous Sensing SystEms) is to mimic the nervous system of living bodies by turning man-made and natural structures into objects that are sensitive to external stimuli owing to advanced distributed fibre-optic sensor technology, with the objective to either give early warning in case of possible danger or occurrence of damage, or to optimise the operation of the structure to allow for a sustainable use of natural resources and assets.

Climate KIC - Pioneers into Practice (2014) - PIP 2014

The Pioneers into Practice programme develops high-level innovation skills for the low-carbon economy. We provide individuals from a range of different backgrounds with the opportunity to enhance their knowledge of the transition to a more sustainable society by joining real-life projects, throughout Europe.
Participants in the Pioneers into Practice programme get the unique opportunity to learn about climate change innovation in the field, enhance their CV and to expand their professional network.

RISIS - Research Infraestructure for Science and Innovation Studies

The RISIS project aims at creating a distributed research infrastructure to support and advance science and innovation studies. This will give the field a strong scientific push forward, and at the same time, provide a radically improved evidence base for research and innovation policies, for research evaluation, and for the quality of policy relevant indicators.

Climate KIC - Pioneers into Practice (2013) - PIP Mentor

The Pioneers into Practice programme develops high-level innovation skills for the low-carbon economy. We provide individuals from a range of different backgrounds with the opportunity to enhance their knowledge of the transition to a more sustainable society by joining real-life projects, throughout Europe.

Participants in the Pioneers into Practice programme get the unique opportunity to learn about climate change innovation in the field, enhance their CV and to expand their professional network.

Mapping and assessment of research portfolios (mapreport)

This project aims to develop an analytical framework for the mapping and assessment of research portfolios. The notion of "research portfolio" is increasingly used by funding agencies. However, there is no clear understanding and very little research on how to define, map and assess a research portfolio. Here we aim to develop a multi-method approach to investigate a research portfolio of a given disease.

Mapping the Population, Careers, Mobilities and Impacts of Advanced Research Degree Graduates in the Social Sciences and Humanities (POCARIM)

This proposal is made in direct response to the call for submissions under Supporting Measures 8.8.3. It responds to the call for studies to increase our understanding of the career paths and employment patterns and contribution of doctoral graduates in the social sciences and humanities. The study focuses on three Objectives:

Intangible Assets and Regional Economic Growth (IAREG)

The objective of the IAREG Project is to analyze the role played by intangible assets (IA) in the generation of innovation, competitiveness and consequently economic growth and increases in productivity at regional level with a special emphasis on the geographical space in which such processes occur.
To develop new indicators for improving the measuring of the IA considered having the most influence in the generation of economic development.
To analyze how IA and their interaction define the environment affecting firms? location.


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