Monitoring and Assessment Gender Gap In Events (MAGGIE)

De 2019 hasta 2021

In this project, we propose the development of a tool based on performance indicators, which will allow monitoring and evaluating gender roles and inequalities in European high‐level policy events. This tool will act as a traffic light. It will indicate red when the event has a bad behavior level with respect to gender issues in participation, amber when it is correct but could be improved and green when it has a good behavior level. The event achieving a green will be considered as a best practice and could be granted as a Gender Seal. When the result is amber or red, MAGGIE will give guidelines for the improvement of its performance. For that, we will identify key gender dimensions and design specific lists of performance indicators for each policy event, accounting context‐based indicators, specific for this type of events. MAGGIE will play a crucial role as a diagnosis tool which will help to (i) map the overall gender gap at European eventsunder study by identifying their weaknesses regarding gender dimensions and (ii) increase the number of women speakers in top events, facilitating its management, show casting ease‐of‐use and fostering its adoption. MAGGIE will also allow us to create a Gender Seal to benchmark the different events under study. The whole tool will be developed during the first year of the project (July 2019‐July 2020) and it will be applied in different European highlevel policy events along the second year (July 2020‐July 2021). Finally, we will inform the public debate on the key issue of advancing gender equity, which is part of the Sustainable Development Goal number 5. Women representation, women empowerment and their effective participation in society become essential aspects to reach that goal.

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