SWIFTVILLE has been awarded as the most successful game in the concluding stage of the Redesigning Global Farming & Food Systems Master’s course in Wageningen University & Research.
Researchers from several universities agree to say in a simposium organized by INGENIO that the development of electric vehicle has slowed in Europe and suggest measurements to boost it.
INGENIO signs a new associated unit with Universitat de València and sums three similar R&D&I agreements, together with the AQuAS unit and the Universitat de Vic unit
Last week, Bipashyee Ghosh, research Fellow at SPRU - Science Policy Research Unit, University of Sussex Business School gave a presentation about "Urban movility transitions in the Global South.
We are glad to announce that Pedro Marques, INGENIO (CSIC-UPV)'s researcher, will be one of the keynote speakers of the EUSPRI Early Career Researcher Conference 2022 - Rethinking innovation policy
The Spanish Ministry for Science and Innovation (MICINN) has announced the 2021 call for 5-year and 2-year fellowships, to be held at universities and public research institutions in Spain.
Today, at 2022 TIP Conference, Jordi Molas and Alejandra Boni, INGENIO (CSIC-UPV)'s director and deputy-director, are giving a presentation about: "Contrasting transformative experiments through va
The Transformative Innovation Policy Consortium (TIPC) is organizing the 2022 TIP Conference, which is going to be held digitally from 17-21 January 2022.
Dima Yankova and Ghinwa Moujaes, INGENIO (CSIC-UPV)'s predoctoral researchers, attended to the Annual meeting for doctoral students and young researchers in Economics of Innovation, Complexity and
Pedro Marques, INGENIO (CSIC-UPV)'s researcher, has contributed in a report about regional development in Piedmont (Italy), published by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (
Alejandra Boni, INGENIO (CSIC-UPV)'s deputy director, will give a lecture about: "Navigating uncertainty with epistemic justice – reflections for higher education institutions".
Carolina Cañibano, INGENIO (CSIC-UPV)'s researcher, will join the European Regional Meeting of the Global Research Council, which is hosted by the Spanish National Research Council between 21st and
Alejandra Boni, INGENIO (CSIC-UPV)'s deputy director, will lead a public lecture on Transforming socio-technical systems through evaluation and present her latest work on the evaluation of transfor
This Friday, Pablo Fernández Méndez, INGENIO (CSIC-UPV)'s researcher, will participate as speaker in Climate-KIC's workshop: "Developing a Transformative Theory of Change".
The Transformative Innovation Policy Consortium (TIPC) is organizing the 2022 TIP Conference, which is going to be held digitally from 17-21 January 2022.
Pedro Marques, Dima Yankova and Ghinwa Moujaes, INGENIO (CSIC-UPV)'s researchers, teamed up to openly discuss the uncertainties of managing a PHD process, especially in COVID times.
Jordi Molas and Alejandra Boni, INGENIO (CSIC-UPV)'s director and deputy director, will lead a participatory session about the evaluation of Transformative Innovation Policies.
Pedro Marques, INGENIO (CSIC-UPV)'s researcher, has been interviewed by the ESNA European Higher Education News about the paper he wrote as a co-author of Joaquín Azagra Caro and Laura Salmerón, en
Pablo F. Méndez, INGENIO (CSIC-UPV)'s researcher, has published an article in Earth System Governance Journal about systemic risks in the Anthropocene and lessons learned from COVID-19.
Itziar Castelló, Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) at the Department of Digital Economy at Surrey Business School (UK), will give a seminar entitled "Moralizing Discourses of Artificial Intelli
INGENIO have held between Monday and Wednesday the first ever virtual edition of the INGENIO PhD Days; an event that aims to contribute to the development of research capabilities, presentation and
Carmen Martínez Vargas, postdoctoral researcher of the University of Free State (South Africa) will hold a virtual seminar about decolonialism next Thursday, 12th of November at 12:00.
Jordi Molas, INGENIO (CSIC-UPV)'s director, will be a keynote speaker this afternoon in the opening day of the European Environmental Evaluators Network Forum 2020.
The Instituto de Gestión de la Innovación y del Conocimiento, INGENIO (CSIC-UPV) becomes a Coordinating Partner of the Transformative Innovation Policiy Consortium (TIPC), focusing on Formative Eva
The COVID-19 health crisis has had and will have a big impact in our lives. It is a complex situation that is challenging to all of us as individuals, families and workers.
December 6, 2019 at the National Institute of Higher Education (Minsk-Belarus) held the Final International Conference on the draft program ERASMUS+ "Promoting competen
El encuentro, abierto a todo el público, abordará, entre otros puntos, el rol del asociacionismo y la participación ciudadana en el desarrollo de diversas iniciativas i
INGENIO ha organizado diversas sesiones participativas, con personas expertas en las áreas de ética, educación para la ciencia y justicia social, en el marco del Proyecto INPERRI– “Propuesta de ind
El pasado 11 de abril, INGENIO organizó una sesión participativa con diferentes actores españoles, para identificar aspectos relevantes, retos y problemáticas, para la
Con el objetivo de poner en común diferentes experiencias y perspectivas sobre los desafíos que enfrenta el sector de la salud, INGENIO (CSIC-UPV) organiza, el próximo
La Universitat Politècnica de València colabora, por segundo año, con el especial de Las Provincias titulado Quién es quién en la Economía Valenciana, la Mujer en la Empresa y las Instituci
Jordi Molas (Director of Ingenio) and Alejandra Boni (Deputy director of Ingenio) will attend the "Inter-network dialogue: towards a transformative agenda for the STI c
Primera reunión de la Red Multibien - Argentina·Brasil·Colombia·Costa Rica·España·Portugal·Uruguay - para acordar marco teórico, propuesta criterios e indicadores de in
El pasado mes de enero se jubiló Antonio Gutiérrez Gracia y dado lo relevante de su trayectoria, se consiguió reunir a las personas con las que compartió las diferentes
Pedro Marqués, plenary speaker at the conference: "Territorial Dynamics and Inequality: the contribution of inter and transdisciplinary approaches", Lamego(Portugal), o
We are pleased to announce the Eu-SPRI Early Career Researcher Conference (ECC) “Science, Technology and Innovation: New challenges and practices”, a three-day PhD Day event organised by the doctor
Este análisis pone de relieve las diferencias existentes entre mujeres y hombres investigadores/as en sus interacciones externas con actores no académicos.
La jornada pretende construir un diálogo entre distintas iniciativas que, desde la universidad, están tratando de generar formas de entender, visibilizar y apoyar el tr
Ismael Ràfols participated in the Workshop "Ex-ante Evaluation, Prioritization, and STI Planning" held on 4-5 July at the Universidade Estadual de Campinas-UNICAMP (Brazil).
Sergio Belda Miquel received "PhD with distinction" award from Universitat Politècnica de València, for his thesis "Del gerencialismo a la política: explorando las cara
This talk examines the phenomenon of predatory publishers and journals and the threats they pose to researchers, to research, and to scholarly communication.
Aurora López Fogués winner the best article 2016: "A social justice alternative for framing post-compulsory education: a human development perspective of VET in times o
The aim of this seminar is to facilitate a dialogue between different actors involved in civil society and university engagement to reflect on benefits, enablers and ch
The aim of this seminar is to facilitate a dialogue between different actors involved in civil society and university engagement to reflect on benefits, enablers and ch
Un equipo de investigadores del Instituto Universitario de Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicaciones de la Universitat Politècnica de València (ITACA-UPV) ha desarrollado una nueva herramienta
The main aim of FOSTERC is to support the modernisation of governance, management and functioning of Belarusian Higher Education Institutions.
For that, FOSTERC will:
The European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (EASST) has given the Ziman Award to the Leiden Manifesto, a declaration of ten principles on the use o
During the first trimester of 2016, the institute INGENIO (CSIC-UPV), a joint research institute of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and the Technical Unive
El congreso tiene como finalidad Crear espacios abiertos para el diálogo argumentado sobre la disciplina administrativa, sus nuevas contribuciones y retos que enfrenta
As part of the ‘State of European University-Business Cooperation’ study we are inviting organisations involved with university-business cooperation (UBC)* including businesses, ac
This workshop aims to stimulate reflection on the challenges posed to Science, Technology and Innovation (ST&I) indicator design and use in geographical, cognitive or social spaces that are per
Mabel Sánchez Barrioluengo has received the "2015 Routledge RSA Award for Early Career Excellence in regional studies" given by the Regional Studies Association Award Committee.
El Máster en Gestión de la Ciencia y la Innovación (MGCI), es un título propio de la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV), promovido y dirigido por
Julia Olmos Peñuela received "PhD with distinction" award from Universitat Politècnica de Valencia, in the cateogory "Economy and Social Sciences", for her thesis "Science-Society Interactions in t
INGENIO (CSIC-UPV) invites international researchers who aim to develop their careers in the fields of innovation, science and technology policy studies
Alejandra Boni will participate on february 23, 24, 25 in the seminar "La cooperación al desarrollo: retos de futuro", organized by the Girona, Pompeu Fabra and Rovira y Virgili universities, with
Climate-KIC offered an eight day coached sustainability transitions course for experienced environment and water management professionals, held in Valencia (Spain) from
Sergio Belda and Alejandra Boni, researchers at INGENIO, presented and illustrated the potential and interest of the idea of grassroots social innovation for rethinking climate change at the course
Working on the challenges we face and how to overcome them, Climate-KIC offers a coached 8 day programme for experienced environment and water management professionals, held in Valencia, Sp
Alejandra Boni will participate in the "XVIII JORNADES DE COOPERACIÓ INTERNACIONAL I SOLIDARITAT: Energies renovables i desenvolupament humà" at the Universitat JAUME I de Castellón, givin
Maureen McKelvey es Profesora de Organización Industrial, University of Gothenburg, desde otoño del pasado 2007 hasta la actualidad y Directora de Investigación y Responsable Académico de Educación
Working on the challenges we face and how to overcome them, Climate-KIC offers a coached 8 day programme for experienced environment and water management professionals, held in Valencia, Sp
Jordi Molas-Gallard, Research Professor at INGENIO (CSIC-UPV), has been appointed Chair of the Working Group called "Research Policy and Programme Evaluation", of the Science Europe association.
Mabel Sánchez Barrioluengo' submission "Regional Human Capital and University Orientation: a case study on Spain" was awarded the Best Paper Prize at the 2014 EU-SPRI Conference "Science and Innova
The researchers have been invited by OEI to the Ibero-American Science, Technology, University and Society Seminar, focused on research difficulties in universities and its relatio
The Research Network 24 - Sociology of Science and Technology Network (SSTNET) of the European Sociological Association (ESA) and the Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS) organize on 12
Philippe Laredo is Professor at the Manchester Business School, University of Manchester, and Directeur de Recherche in the Laboratoire Territoires, Techniques, Societes (LATTS) at the Ecole des Po
The European Network of Indicators Designers (ENID) aims to facilitate and promote the cooperation between institutions and individuals actively engaged in designing, constructing, producing as wel
Giovanni is an economist from CNR (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Italy) whose interests encompass applied econometrics, technical change and environmental economics (for further information,
The 2014 Eu-SPRI Forum Early Career Researcher Conference - INGENIO PhD Days, "Interdisciplinarity in the Study of the Dynamics of Science, Technology and Innovation", has
Ingenio welcomes Frank de Bakker (Associate Professor of Strategic Management, Department of Organization Sciences, VU University, Amsterdam) and Itziar Castelló (Visiting Professor in the Departme
Mabel Sanchez (INGENIO, CSIC-UPV) published a guest post about the relationship between regions and university performance on the 'Ideas on Europe' blog, called "Can regions shape university p
Ana Carolina Aguilera Negrete, doctoral student at the Universidad Federal de Rio de Janeiro, will spend 5 months at INGENIO (CSIC-UPV) working on her dissertation on “The defense industry and tech
Nabil Amara holds a PhD in political science. He is currently Professor in the Department of management, in the Faculty of business administration at the University Laval (Quebec).
Cristian Matti participates in the presentation of the normative proposal as part of the closing event of the project Mediterranean renewables energy –ENERME
David Barberá and Fernando Jiménez, researchers at INGENIO (CSIC-UPV), have been awarded the prestigious Faculty of 1000 (F1000) academic prize for their article “Mapping the Importance of the Real
Professor Nabil Amara from Université Laval, Quebec (CANADA) is conducting a three months stay at INGENIO (CSIC-UPV) in the framework of “Programa de Estancias de Profesores e Investigadores Extran
El Instituto INGENIO (CSIC-UPV) junto con la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Bogotá, coordinan el Proyecto CESAR (Contribución de la Educación Superior de América La
El Instituto INGENIO (CSIC-UPV) junto con la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Bogotá, coordinan el Proyecto CESAR (Contribución de la Educación Superior de América La