Innovación ambiental y social para la sostenibilidad

Internationalisation dynamics at play: constructing and diffusing zebrafish as a model organism in Latin American life sciences / Choreographies of collaboration in the Francis Crick Institute

Jueves, 27 Febrero 2020 - 12:00
Rodrigo Liscovsky Barrera / Niki Vermeulen
Science, Technology and Innovation Studies, University of Edinburgh

Internationalisation dynamics at play: constructing and diffusing zebrafish as a model organism in Latin American life sciences - Rodrigo Liscovsky Barrera / Science, Tech

Análisis y caracterización de los procesos de innovación con la participación del usuario final en la expansión de nuevos productos y servicios sostenibles emergentes

Las decisiones y acciones tomadas durante los procesos de diseño, desarrollo, producción y utilización de productos y servicios, están íntimamente ligadas al consumo de recursos renovables y, particularmente, a los no renovables. Cualquier intervención de los sujetos en el ambiente genera, inevitablemente, algún tipo de impacto. En el sector de materiales compuestos este impacto es particularmente negativo, atentando contra la salud de los sujetos que participan en el ciclo de vida del producto, y afectando al equilibrio ambiental.


Students 4 Change: Social Entrepreneurship in Academia. S4C

The recent downturn that has affected the life of many Latin American countries has reshaped its expectations and possibilities of improvement. In this context, the university regains the leading role it once had. Society considers the university as the path to generate innovative strategies that can contribute to social mobility and attend to structural problems.


Students 4 Change: Social Entrepreneurship in Academia. S4C

The recent downturn that has affected the life of many Latin American countries has reshaped its expectations and possibilities of improvement. In this context, the university regains the leading role it once had. Society considers the university as the path to generate innovative strategies that can contribute to social mobility and attend to structural problems.


Students 4 Change: Social Entrepreneurship in Academia. S4C

The recent downturn that has affected the life of many Latin American countries has reshaped its expectations and possibilities of improvement. In this context, the university regains the leading role it once had. Society considers the university as the path to generate innovative strategies that can contribute to social mobility and attend to structural problems.



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