1. Itziar Castelló, David Barberá-Tomás, Eero Vaara
    Journal of Business Venturing,
    Vol: 38 - pags 106 302 -
  2. Judit Manuel, Marta G. Rivera, Feliu López-i-Gelats
    Journal of Peasant Studies,
    Vol: - pags 1 - 27
  3. Marques, P., Morgan, K.
    Handbook of Industrial Development ,
    Vol: - pags 200 - 219
  4. Alejandra Boni, Diana Velasco, Jordi Molas-Gallart, Johan Schot
    Research Evaluation,
    Vol: - pags 1 - 14
  5. Ruth M-Domènech y Clara Furió-Vico
    Primas Social,
    Vol: 43 - pags 58 - 79
  6. Pablo F. Méndez, Floriane Clement, Guillermo Palau-Salvador, Ricardo Diaz-Delgado, Sergio Villamayor-Tomas
    Sustainability Science,
    Vol: - pags 303 - 321
  7. Marie Gruber, Thomas Crispeels, Pablo D’Este
    Vol: - pags 1 - 32
  8. Ana G. Ramirez‑Santos, Federica Ravera, Marta G. Rivera‑Ferre, Mar Calvet‑Nogués
    Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine,
    Vol: 19 - pags 1 - 19
  9. Marques, P., Morgan, K.
    Territorial Innovation in Less Developed Regions: Governance, Technologies, and Sustainability,
    Vol: - pags 199 - 214
  10. Joaquín M. Azagra-Caro; Alejandra Boni
    Tapuya: Latin American Science, Technology and Society,
    Vol: - pags 1 - 18
  11. E. Güell, C. Benito-Amat, J. Molas-Gallart
    Mental Health & Prevention,
    Vol: 0 - pags 1 - 19
  12. Marie Gruber, Thomas Crispeels, Pablo D’Este
    Vol: 61 - pags 521 - 552
  13. Irene Ramos-Vielba, Pablo D’Este
    Studies in Higher Education,
    Vol: - pags 1 - 12
  14. Rachel Bezner Kerr, Julio C Postigo, Pete Smith, Annette Cowie, Pramod K Singh, Marta Rivera-Ferre, Maria Cristina Tirado-von der Pahlen, Donovan Campbell, Henry Neufeldt
    Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability,
    Vol: 62 - pags 101 275 -
  15. Sihan Li, Yongli Li, Chao Liu, Ningyuan Fan
    Journal of Travel Research,
    Vol: 1 - pags 1 - 10
  16. Yinglong Qiu, Rosa Isusi-Fagoaga, Adela García-Aracil
    Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence,
    Vol: 5 - pags 1 -
  17. Ana Escario-Chust, Fenna Vogelzang, Jordi Peris-Blanes, Guillermo Palau-Salvador, Sergio Segura-Calero
    Energy Research & Social Science,
    Vol: 100 - pags 1 - 13
  18. Amparo Baviera-Puig, Mónica García-Melón, Isabel López-Cortés, María Dolores Ortolá
    Cogent Food and Agriculture,
    Vol: 9 - pags 1 - 23


  1. Lilia Constanza Molano-Bernal, Leidy Patricia Tibaduiza-Castañeda, Germán Andrés Aguilera-Arango, Dubert Yamil Cañar-Serna, José David Barberá-Tomas
    Revista Científica Agroecosistemas,
    Vol: 10 - pags 88 - 95
  2. Monique Leivas Vargas, Alejandra Boni Aristizábal, Lina María Zuluaga García
    Journal of Global Ethics ,
    Vol: - pags 1 - 20
  3. Rafael Aleixandre Benavent, Juan Carlos Valderrama Zurián, D. Francisco-Jesús Bueno Cañigral
    Servicio de Adicciones Unidad de Prevención Comunitaria en Conductas Adictivas (UPCCA-València) Plan Municipal de Drogodependencias y Otros Trastornos Adictivos (PMD) Concejalía de Salud y Consumo Ajuntament de València
  4. Marta Rivera-Ferre
    Metode Science Studies Journal,
    Vol: 12 - pags 131 - 135
  5. Oscar Llopis, Pablo D'Este
    Journal of product innovation management,
    Vol: - pags 1 - 23
  6. Jordi Peris-Blanes, Sergio Segura-Calero, Nancy Sarabia, David Ribó
    Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions,
    Vol: 42 - pags 124 - 137
  7. Elena Castro Martínez, Carolina Cañibano Sánchez, Elea Giménez Toledo, Julia Olmos Peñuela, François Perruchas
    Informe ANECA,
    Vol: - pags 1 - 100
  8. Joaquín M Azagra-Caro, Carlos Benito-Amat, Ester Planells-Aleixandre
    The Journal of Technology Transfer,
    Vol: - pags 1 273 - 1 296
  9. Enrique Meseguer, David Barberá-Tomás, Carlos Benito-Amat, Adrián A. Díaz-Faes, Luis Martí-Bonmatí
    European Journal of Radiology,
    Vol: 146 - pags 1 - 8
