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Vega-Jurado,J.;Gutiérrez-Gracia,A.;Fernández-de-Lucio,I.Journal of Technology Management & Innovation,Vol: 4 - pags 74 - 88
Yegros-Yegros,A.;Amat,C.B.Scientometrics,Vol: 78 - pags 447 - 465
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Tortajada-Esparza,E.;Fernández-de-Lucio,I.;Gabaldón-Estevan,D.InterCeram: International Ceramic Review,Vol: 57 - pags 436 - 439
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Zabala-Iturriagagoitia,J.;Gutiérrez-Gracia,A.;Jiménez-Sáez,F.European urban and regional studies,Vol: 15 - pags 333 - 347
Vega-Jurado,J.;Fernández-de-Lucio,I.;Huanca-López,R.Higher Education,Vol: 56 - pags 205 - 220
Gabaldón-Estevan,D.;Tortajada-Esparza,E.;Fernández-de-Lucio,I.Generalitat Valenciana
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