1. Imagen de JBABIC   Jurica Babić Postdoctoral Researcher (INGENIO), Associate Professor (University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing))

Jurica Babić (GS’12–M’18) received the M.Sc. degree in computing and the Ph.D. degree in computer science from the University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (FER), Zagreb, Croatia, in 2012 and 2018, respectively.
Since 2012, he has been with the Department of Telecommunications, FER, where he has been an Associate Professor, since 2022. He is the senior researcher at the Social Networking and Computing Laboratory and the Laboratory for Assistive Technologies and Augmentative and Alternative Communication. He is actively involved in research and development activities with several national and international scientific and industrial projects. His teaching and research activities are in transdisciplinary fields of network and data science, electromobility, and technology-driven social inclusion. Since 2021, he has been the Erasmus+ ambassador for inclusion and diversity for Croatia.
He has co-authored over 30 articles, including publications in IEEE Access, the International Journal of Energy Research, and the Journal of Cleaner Production journals. Prof. Babic is a member of the ACM, INFORMS, and KES International Associations. He was a member of an interdisciplinary team that was a recipient of the Highest National Award for notable achievements in education activity by the Croatian Parliament, in 2015, and the Most Inclusive Project of Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps Award by the Croatian National Agency for Erasmus+ (AMPEU), in 2021.

He is well-experienced in leading several international EU-funded projects, with the special emphasis being placed on KA2 projects from Erasmus+. Currently, he coordinates the Play2Green project (2022-1-HR01-KA220-HED-000088675, 250.000 €, 1/9/2022-30/8/2026) in which the goal is to raise awareness on climate change and environmental sustainability through serious games (digital educational games).

Research-wise, Jurica joined INGENIO to investigate the potential of using such digital games as social innovations for a positive change to society. More precisely, he investigates the methods and approaches to quantify the impact of such innovations on society in terms of green skills and attitude change.


  1. Cristina Fernández-Soler, Noelia Garcia-Franco, María Almagro, Elvira Díaz-Pereira , Raquel Luján, Eloísa García, María Martínez-Mena
    Soil Use and management,
    Vol: - pags 1 - 21
  2. Gossart
    cf. GS page,
    Vol: - pags 1 - 1
  3. I. Aparisi-Cerdá, D. Ribó-Pérez, J. Gomar-Pascual, J. Pineda-Soler, R. Poveda-Bautista, M. García-Melón
    Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,
    Vol: 189 - pags 1 - 13
  4. Marta Maicas Pérz, Alejandra Boni Aristizabal, Álvaro Fernández-Baldor Martínez
    Revista Prisma Social,
    Vol: - pags 307 - 330
  5. Mistral Van Oudenhove * , María Martínez-Mena, María Almagro , Elvira Díaz-Pereira , Efraín Carrillo, Joris de Vente , Cristina Fernández-Soler , Raquel Luján-Soto and Carolina Boix-Fayos
    Biology and Life Sciences Forum,
    Vol: 30 - pags 1 - 7


  1. Sihan Li, Yongli Li, Chao Liu, Ningyuan Fan
    Journal of Travel Research,
    Vol: 1 - pags 1 - 10
  2. Raúl Tabarés; Alejandra Boni
    International Journal of Technology and Design Education,
    Vol: - pags 1 - 20
  3. Marie Gruber, Thomas Crispeels, Pablo D’Este
    Vol: 61 - pags 521 - 552
  4. Ana Escario-Chust, Fenna Vogelzang, Jordi Peris-Blanes, Guillermo Palau-Salvador, Sergio Segura-Calero
    Energy Research & Social Science,
    Vol: 100 - pags 1 - 13
  5. Itziar Castelló, David Barberá-Tomás, Eero Vaara
    Journal of Business Venturing,
    Vol: 38 - pags 106 302 -
  6. Amparo Baviera-Puig, Mónica García-Melón, Isabel López-Cortés, María Dolores Ortolá
    Cogent Food and Agriculture,
    Vol: 9 - pags 1 - 23
  7. Yinglong Qiu, Rosa Isusi-Fagoaga, Adela García-Aracil
    Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence,
    Vol: 5 - pags 1 -
  8. Pablo F. Méndez, Floriane Clement, Guillermo Palau-Salvador, Ricardo Diaz-Delgado, Sergio Villamayor-Tomas
    Sustainability Science,
    Vol: - pags 303 - 321
  9. Pablo Villalobos Mateluna, Salim Chalela, Alejandra Boni
    Revista Iberoamericana de Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad,
    Vol: 18 - pags 171 - 197
  10. Sara Sánchez López, Dani Jennifer Barrington, Rocio Poveda Bautista, Santiago Moll López
    BMC Women’s Health,
    Vol: 23 - pags 1 - 14
  11. Consoli, D., Castellacci, F., Santoalha, A.
    Industry & Innovation,
    Vol: 30 - pags 919 - 946
  12. Marie Gruber, Thomas Crispeels, Pablo D’Este
    Vol: - pags 1 - 32
  13. Ana G. Ramirez‑Santos, Federica Ravera, Marta G. Rivera‑Ferre, Mar Calvet‑Nogués
    Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine,
    Vol: 19 - pags 1 - 19
  14. Sara Sánchez López, Dani Jennifer Barrington, Rocio Poveda Bautista, Santiago Moll López
    BMC Women’s Health,
    Vol: 23 - pags 1 - 14
  15. Wenceslao Arroyo-Machado, Adrián A. Díaz-Faes, Enrique Herrera-Viedma, Rodrigo Costas
    Vol: - pags 1 - 15
  16. Ferrán Catalá-López, Adolfo Alonso-Arroyo, Matthew J. Page, Lourdes Castelló-Cogollos, Brian Hutton, Manuel Ridao, Rafael Tabarés-Seisdedos, Rafael Aleixandre-Benavent, David Moher
    Journal of Clinical Epidemiology,
    Vol: 157 - pags 22 -
  17. E. Güell, C. Benito-Amat, J. Molas-Gallart
    Mental Health & Prevention,
    Vol: 0 - pags 1 - 19
  18. Gianna Angermayr, Andrés Palacio, Cristina Chaminade
    Vol: 15 - pags 15 439 -
  19. Irene Ramos-Vielba, Pablo D’Este
    Studies in Higher Education,
    Vol: - pags 1 - 12
  20. Rachel Bezner Kerr, Julio C Postigo, Pete Smith, Annette Cowie, Pramod K Singh, Marta Rivera-Ferre, Maria Cristina Tirado-von der Pahlen, Donovan Campbell, Henry Neufeldt
    Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability,
    Vol: 62 - pags 101 275 -
  21. Hamed Vagheei, Alex Laini, Paolo Vezza, Guillermo Palau-Salvador, Fulvio Boano
    Science of The Total Environment,
    Vol: 893 - pags 164 645 -
  22. Adela García-Aracil, Rosa Isusi-Fagoaga, Sílvia Monteiro, Leandro Almeida
    Education Sciences,
    Vol: 13 - pags 1 - 14


  1.   Exploring resource seeking in a scientific collaboration network and its effect on scientists' knowledge creation
    Karine Revet, Isabel Maria Bodas-Freitas, Barthélemy Chollet, Pablo D'Este
  2.   The steady effect of knowledge co-creation with universities on business scientific impact throughout the economic cycle
    Ana María Gómez-Aguayo, Joaquín M. Azagra-Caro, Carlos Benito-Amat
  3.   Research impact seen from the user side
    Jordi Molas-Gallart, Richard Woolley
  4.   Características psicológicas del personal investigador español
    Azagra Caro, J. M., Planells Aleixandre, E., Izquierdo Sánchez, B., & Moreno Cabezudo, J. A.
  5.   Personality and affects: Researchers with emotional intelligence
    Laura Hernando-Jorge, Joaquín M. Azagra-Caro, Ana M. Tur Porcar
  6.   Academic artists' engagement and commercialisation
    Joaquín M. Azagra-Caro, Carlos Benito-Amat, Ester Planells-Aleixandre
  7.   From emotion to motivation: the role of social support for researchers
    Ana Tur-Porcar, Andrés Salas-Vallina, Joaquín M. Azagra-Caro
  8.   Blue uncertainty: Warding off systemic risks in the Anthropocene - Lessons from COVID-19
    Pablo F. Méndez
  9.   New industrial policy and the role of executive agencies at the subnational level
    Pedro Marques
  10.   Exporting but still poor: the challenges of regional development in regions with mature industries
    Pedro Marques, David Barberá-Tomás
  11.   Indicadores de Participación Ciudadana desde una perspectiva de responsabilidad en la ciencia y la innovación: el caso español
    Mónica García-Melón, Hannia González-Urango
  12.   Fiction Lagging Behind Or Non-Fiction Defending The Indefensible? University-Industry (et al.) Interaction In Science Fiction
    Joaquín M. Azagra-Caro, Laura González-Salmerón, Pedro Marques
  13.   Indicadores de género desde una perspectiva de responsabilidad social en la ciencia y la innovación: el caso español.
    Paula Otero-Hermida
  14.   Innovation from science: the role of network content and legitimacy ties
    Pablo D’Este, Óscar Llopis, Maureen Mc Kelvey, Alfredo Yegros
  15.   Connections matter: the influence of network sparseness, network diversity and a tertius iungens orientation on innovation
    Óscar Llopis, Pablo D’Este, Adrián A. Díaz-Faes
  16.   Research & Innovation in Spain 2016
    Ana Fernández-Zubieta, Irene Ramos-Vielba
  17.   From brawn to brains: manufacturing-KIBS interdependency
    Dioni Elche, Davide Consoli, Mabel Sánchez-Barrioluengo
  18.   A Functional Review of Literature on Research Careers
    Richard Woolley, Carolina Cañibano, Jakob Tesch
  19.   Exploring connections between social innovation, grassroots processes and human development: an analysis of alternative food networks in the city of Valencia (Spain)
    Victoria Pellicer Sifres, Sergio Belda Miquel, Aurora López Fogués, Alejandra Boni Aristizábal
  20.   Challenging traditional logics of energy planning: a Capability Approach analysis of a Grassroots Innovation in the Ecuadorian Amazon
    María Ten Palomares
  21.   Regional Human Capital and University Orientation: A case study on Spain
    Mabel Sánchez-Barrioluengo, Davide Consoli
  22.   ‘Shaken, but not stirred’: six decades defining social innovation
    Mónica Edwards-Schachter, Matthew L. Wallace
  23.   Who do you care about? Scientists’ personality traits and perceived beneficiary impact
    Óscar Llopis, Joaquín M. Azagra-Caro
  24.   The impact of one of the most highly cited university patents: formalisation and localization
    Joaquín M. Azagra-Caro, David Barberá-Tomás, Mónica Edwards-Schachter
  25.   A Taxonomy of Multi-Industry Labour Force Skills
    Davide Consoli, Francesco Rentocchini
  26.   Agglomerations and firm performance: how does it work, who benefits and how much?
    Jose-Luis Hervas-Oliver, Francisca Sempere-Ripoll
  27.   Resolving tensions of research utilization: The value of a usability-based approach
    Paul Benneworth, Julia Olmos-Peñuela
  28.   Clusters and industrial districts: where is the literature going? Identifying emerging sub-fields of research
    Jose Luis Hervas Oliver, Gregorio Gonzalez and Pedro Caja
  29.   Explaining researchers’ readiness to incorporate external stimuli in their research agendas
    Julia Olmos Peñuela, Paul Benneworth, Elena Castro-Martínez
  30.   Acceso al conocimiento público universitario en España: patrones geográficos - Access to universities’ public knowledge in Spain: geographical patterns
    Joaquín M. Azagra-Caro



  • 16/07/2024
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