Innovating but still poor: the challenges of regional development in regions with mature industries

Jueves, 26 Noviembre 2020 - 12:00
David Barberá / Pedro Marques
INGENIO (CSIC - Universitat Politècnica de València)

The persistence of patterns of decline or stagnation in developed countries has led to a renewed interest in the study of less developed regions. This renewed interest is informed by a variety of approaches, which range from studies on the unequal distribution of economic power and resources to analysis of regional endowments, such as human capital or quality of institutions. However a persistent misconception in some of this literature is that the primary factor explaining levels of development is innovation happening within firms.

Decoloniality, Decolonisation and Southern Perspectives: a brief overview

Jueves, 12 Noviembre 2020 - 12:00
Cármen Mártinez Vargas
the University of the Free State

Much has been said about decoloniality and decolonisation around the world, especially by scholars working under past and present colonial pressures. However, in many cases, these perspectives and theoretical positionalities are taken for granted and/or ignored by the Global North absorbed in its Western and Eurocentric cosmovision. That is why this seminar aims to present what are the past and present consequences of colonial power over knowledges and cultures represented by ‘the other’ and how this has been interpreted and used by different scholars in the North and South.

Entendiendo las transiciones a la sostenibilidad desde múltiples perspectivas

Martes, 16 Junio 2020 - 10:30
Sergio Segura, Vincenzo Pavone y Pablo F. Méndez

Pablo Fernández-Méndez: El comunal y el guepardo: Entendiendo las trampas socio-ecológicas para informar las transiciones hacia la sostenibilidad.

Energizing through visuals: How social entrepreneurs use emotion-symbolic work for social change

Jueves, 16 Abril 2020 - 10:30
José David Barberá Tomás

Little is known about how social entrepreneurs try to induce enactment of their cause, especially when this cause is difficult to embrace. Through a longitudinal study, we analyze how anti-plastic pollution social entrepreneurs use multimodal (visual and verbal) interactions to influence their targets and promote their cause. Our findings reveal that these social entrepreneurs use what we call “emotion-symbolic work,” which involves using visuals and words to elicit negative emotions through moral shock, and then transforming those emotions into emotional energy for enactment.

Universities and the development of innovation ecosystems in low density territories

Martes, 3 Marzo 2020 - 12:00
Ana Daniel
University of Aveiro

Low-density territories face significant challenges in almost all developed countries. In fact, Korsgaard, Ferguson, and Gaddefors (2015, p. 11) argues that this territories are experiencing “the dark side of the unequal regional developments” since those face several structural challenges that affect their development and attractiveness in a declining cycle (OECD, 2006). Therefore, it is relevant to understand how to promote the development of those territories, especially in countries such as Portugal in which these territories are in a large majority.

Internationalisation dynamics at play: constructing and diffusing zebrafish as a model organism in Latin American life sciences / Choreographies of collaboration in the Francis Crick Institute

Jueves, 27 Febrero 2020 - 12:00
Rodrigo Liscovsky Barrera / Niki Vermeulen
Science, Technology and Innovation Studies, University of Edinburgh

Internationalisation dynamics at play: constructing and diffusing zebrafish as a model organism in Latin American life sciences - Rodrigo Liscovsky Barrera / Science, Tech

"PhD in Progrés" Presentación tesis doctorales

De Jueves, 23 Enero 2020 - 08:30 hasta Viernes, 24 Enero 2020 - 15:00

Previa al Away Day Doctorandos (interno)

Jueves, 16 Enero 2020 - De 09:00 hasta 18:00

Using survival analysis to study scientific career transitions

Martes, 10 Diciembre 2019 - 12:00
Monica Gaughan
Arizona State University

Survival analysis--which is also called event history analysis--is presented as an excellent analytic technique for the study of career timing.   The technique was developed in biostatistics to model the hazard rate of death after experiencing an adverse health event such as a heart attack--hence the name survival analysis.  This class of methods accounts for the censoring related to those who have not experienced an event.  In the case of careers, these are people who are "on track" for a promotion, but who have not yet earned one.  If we only used the people who were promoted to estimate

Can Scientific Knowledge Compete in an Anomic Information Environment?

Jueves, 28 Noviembre 2019 - 12:00
Barry Bozeman
Arizona State University

Researchers and some policy-makers often complain about the limited extent to which scientific knowledge is used as a basis for policy-making and the observation is well-supported by empirical studies- science is rarely a major component even when the topics are science and technology-intensive.  A literature emerged decades ago on "utilization of science," most of it focused on enhancing the use of scientific knowledge and providing guidelines, but much of it fails to recognize that a reluctance to use scientific knowledge pertains to more than irrationality or self-interests.  Scientific

(CFEST) Cultural Festivals Organization & Management - International Workshop

De Martes, 26 Noviembre 2019 - 09:00 hasta Miércoles, 27 Noviembre 2019 - 20:00

An International Workshop about cultural Festivals is going to be held on November 26th, 2019 at the University of Valencia, Spain. The main scope of the meeting is to share common and/or different ideas and perspectives among researchers and organizers with expertise in cultural events, policy-makers, and persons in charge of educational programs during Festivals, teachers, university students and other interested social stakeholders.

Más información:

TIPC Conference 2019

De Martes, 5 Noviembre 2019 - 08:00 hasta Viernes, 8 Noviembre 2019 - 20:00

What role, economic model and benefits for Festivals in the digital age? An international cross comparison analysis in the audiovisual and publishing industries

Jueves, 17 Octubre 2019 - 12:00
Elisa Salvador
ESSCA Management School

Festivals are one of the most diffused examples of living production in the field of cultural and creative industries. In recent years, Festivals attracted an increased attention also because of their remarkable increase in number. While several scholars have recently investigated various music or film Festivals, the most traditional ones, very few analyses are currently available on Festivals taking place in less publicized sectors, publishing industry in particular.

The Geography of Trademarking in Spain. A Historical Approach

Miércoles, 2 Octubre 2019 - 12:00
Patricio Sáiz
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

This paper aims at disentangling the role of trademarks in the process of market integration and productive and commercial specialization of Spanish regions from mid-nineteenth century to 1920. In 1850, Spain established the first national trademark system of the world, just a few years before France, and two decades before the United States.

Knowledge exchange and the engaged university

Jueves, 26 Septiembre 2019 - 12:00
Kevin Morgan
Universidad de Cardiff

Traditional missions of the university (teaching and research) are complicated by the growth of “third mission” activity (knowledge exchange and engagement). However, despite globalisation of science & technology, universities are still largely national institutions– especially in terms of regulations, funding and (under-graduate) student populations. This means that third mission activity tends to be heavily focused on national and regional priorities, a situation which is further enhanced by the introduction of smart specialisation policies.

RESSH 2019 - Research Evaluation in the social sciences & humanities

De Jueves, 19 Septiembre 2019 - 08:45 hasta Viernes, 20 Septiembre 2019 - 16:00

The Third Research Evaluation in the SSH Conference (RESSH 2019)

Valencia, 19-20 September 2019

The development of research evaluation protocols and performance-based funding systems is rooted in policy decisions aiming to improve research and the research system as a whole. However, the implementation of such policies has attracted a great deal of criticism, especially from the SSH.


De Martes, 17 Septiembre 2019 - 10:00 hasta Miércoles, 18 Septiembre 2019 - 16:00

The “European Network for Research Evaluation in the Social Sciences and the Humanities” is a COST Action, starting in April 2016 and ending in April 2020. Proposed by a group of some 20 researchers from 16 countries, it currently brings together more than 125 participants from 36 countries.

Seminario interno doctorandos: Hablando con Ximo sobre Investigación mixta en difusión del conocimiento

Miércoles, 24 Julio 2019 - 12:00
Joaquín María Azagra Caro

En este encuentro los y las estudiantes de doctorado hablamos con el investigador Ximo Azagra sobre la importancia y el valor de incorporar enfoques mixtos en la difusión de conocimiento. Discutiremos sobre algunas de las oportunidades que los métodos mixtos podrían aportarnos en el desarrollo de nuestras tesis.

Understanding University-Business Cooperation from a European perspective

Martes, 2 Julio 2019 - 12:00
Victoria Galán-Muros
University of Adelaide

University-Business Cooperation (UBC) is considered an essential driver of knowledge-based economies and societies and is key to address grand challenges. The decreasing levels of funding for HEIs, the low levels of innovation of most businesses, the high (youth) unemployment rates and the lack of regional competitiveness are factors supporting the recent increase of cooperation.

Más allá de una variable: reflexiones sobre una investigación con enfoque de género

Jueves, 20 Junio 2019 - 12:00
Mari Luz López Terrada, Adrián Arias Díaz-Faes, Álvaro Fernández-Baldor Martínez y Carolina Cañibano Sánchez

Hacia un marco para la evaluación de políticas de innovación transformadora

Martes, 11 Junio 2019 - 12:00
Jordi Molas (INGENIO), Sandro Giachi (SPRU) y Alejandra Boni (INGENIO)

En este seminario se presentará el trabajo que se está desarrollando en el marco del Transformative Policy Consortium ( para diseñar e implementar una propuesta de evaluación formativa. Esta tiene como objetivo evaluar los experimentos que los diferentes integrantes del consorcio desarrollarán proximamente. La propuesta se basa en una serie de principios y en la aplicación de una teoría de cambio inspirada en la perspectiva multinivel de las transiciones socio-técnicas.

How policy entrepreneurs’ expectations about development shape different approaches to innovation: evidence from a local agri-food industry system in Mexico

Martes, 4 Junio 2019 - 12:00
Sandro Giachi
University of Sussex

The Yucatan Octopus Fishing Industry (YOFI) is a traditional system characterised by a massive regime of production, distribution and consumption. Actors employ traditional technology and practices and compete using strategies based on efficiency or lowering costs and prices. Despite some sporadic incremental innovations, the system has remained almost unchanged over the last few decades, similarly to many others production systems in the Global South agri-food industry.

Hidden entrepreneurs? Mapping social innovators in Italy

Jueves, 30 Mayo 2019 - 12:00
Filippo Barbera
University of Torino and Collegio Carlo Alberto

This seminar explores the role of “social innovators” in Italy. Drawing on a research design using respondent-driven sampling it gives a detailed description of the population of “social innovators” in Italy. This locus of enquiry is timely because social innovation is a distinctive policy concept, while its analytical value is far from clear. We argue that social innovation points to new kinds of production and exchange markets where profit and non-profit organizations interact in new ways and innovative orders of worth are emerging.

Los criterios de evaluación en la Universidad Española: ¿qué papel juegan los méritos bibliométricos?

Jueves, 16 Mayo 2019 - 12:00
Laura Cruz-Castro y Luis Sanz-Menéndez
Instituto de Políticas y Bienes Públicos

Parece existir una creciente discrepancia entre los principios y criterios que se definen para juzgar el merito y las prácticas de las instituciones y de los comités de evaluación por pares. La DORA o el Manifiesto de Leiden son solo un indicio de lo que está ocurriendo.

The Right Job and the Job Right: Novelty, Impact and Journal Stratification in Science.

Miércoles, 17 Abril 2019 - 12:00
Nicolas Carayol
Université de Bordeaux

Though Science is traditionally associated with creative behavior, concerns have been raised on its professional procedures being sufficiently open to innovative research. Thanks to a new measurement of novelty based on the frequencies of pairwise combinations of article keywords calculated on the set of all research articles published from 1999 to 2013 in the journals referenced by the WoS (more than ten million papers), we find no evidence of shrinking novelty in science over that period.

Responsible innovation in the context of transitions to sustainability: the case of the transition to a circular economy in the Netherlands

Viernes, 12 Abril 2019 - 12:00
Edurne Iñigo
Universidad de Wageningen

Responsible innovation (RI) sets to include different stakeholders in the innovation process in order to achieve ethically acceptable, socially desirable and sustainable results. Therefore, RI can help sustainable entrepreneurs operating at the niche level to develop and diffuse innovations that create social, environmental and economic value while triggering socio-technical transitions navigating the consideration of socio-ethical values.

Violent conflicts, climate conditions and socioeconomic vulnerability in Africa

Martes, 9 Abril 2019 - 12:00
Federica Cappelli
Roma Tre University, Italy

We propose an analysis of the multiple linkages between armed conflicts and climate-related variables based on an original georeferenced database covering the entire African continent with a grid resolution of 1°x 1° for the period 1990-2016. A dynamic spatial panel Durbin model is applied to detect both short and medium-term impacts of changes in climate-related variables as well the role played by spatial spillovers. Different channels explaining violent conflicts at the local scale level are jointly included, as resource abundance, socio-economic conditions and institutional quality.

Valencia en transición. Analizando las capacidades de transformación

Jueves, 4 Abril 2019 - 12:00
Jordi Peris

El rol de las ciudades en las transiciones a la sostenibilidad es una cuestión crucial. Sin embargo, la realidad muestra como los problemas de insostenibilidad son persistentes y crecen las dificultades para acelerar intencionadamente la transformación urbana. Así, la comunidad académica está prestando cada vez más atención a los enfoques de sostenibilidad centrados en el “lugar” para entender las posibilidades reales de una transición a escala urbana.

Team’s collaboration capabilities as drivers of technology-based startup’s innovation performance: The Spanish case.

Martes, 2 Abril 2019 - 12:00
Anna Karina López Hernández

Technology-Based Startups (TBSs) are newly emerged entrepreneurial ventures typically launched by a team with the purpose of bringing innovative products or services to market. Today, it is widely recognized that TBSs play a very important role in the economy as a source of disruptive and radical innovations and creation of new jobs. 

Agency and intentionality in networking: an interactive experiment

Martes, 26 Marzo 2019 - 12:00
Anne Ter Wal
Imperial College Business School, London (UK)

Despite tremendous progress in network and social capital research over the past decades, the behavioral aspects of networking remain ill-understood. Research has tended to ignore how individuals balance intentional, high-agency networking actions and serendipitous, low-agency actions and how the mix between those two sets of behaviors may affect individual utility from networking.

Green Innovation: an empirical analysis of technology, skills and policy

Jueves, 14 Marzo 2019 - 12:00
François Perruchas

The foreseeable outcomes of the transition towards low-carbon economies are multiple and affect in different ways policy-makers, world regions, firms and consumers. It has long been acknowledged that at the core of this transition stands environmental innovation which are developed to enhance the long-term sustainability of economic growth.

Género en la Ciencia y la Innovación: personas, contenidos científicos y mudanzas

Jueves, 28 Febrero 2019 - 12:00
Paula Otero Hermida

Este seminario se plantea como un ejercicio de acercamiento a las distintas dimensiones del género en la actividad científica e innovadora.  Se presentan visiones de la situación de las personas que hacen ciencia e innovación, así como experiencias relativas a cómo el género se integra en lo que investigamos. El seminario abordará debates recientes con el objetivo de informar sobre las últimas tendencias y promover reflexiones abiertas acerca del quehacer científico e institucional genderizado.

Complex Economic Activities Concentrate in Large Cities

Jueves, 31 Enero 2019 - 12:00
Pierre-Alexandre Balland
Utrecht University

Why do some economic activities agglomerate more than others? And, why does the agglomeration of some economic activities continue to increase despite recent developments in communication and transportation technologies? In this paper, we present evidence that complex economic activities concentrate more in large cities. We find this to be true for technologies, scientific publications, industries, and occupations. Using historical patent data, we show that the urban concentration of complex economic activities has been continuously increasing since 1850.

Presentación Base de Datos HistPat Dataset

Jueves, 31 Enero 2019 - 10:30
Pierre-Alexandre Balland
Utrecht University

HistPat provides the geography of historical patents granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) from 1790 to 1975. This historical dataset is constructed using digitalized records of original patent documents that are publicly available. HistPat can be used in different disciplines ranging from geography, economics, history, network science, and science and technology studies. Additionally, it can easily be merged with post-1975 USPTO digital patent data to extend it until today. (2016-05-23)

Ciencia e Innovación responsables (RRI). Un nuevo impulso para la evaluación de la ciencia y la tecnología

Jueves, 29 Noviembre 2018 - 12:00
Andoni Ibarra
Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea

La política de ciencia, tecnología e innovación (CTI) en la UE está articulada en el VIII Programa Marco (2014-2020) por la denominada RRI (acrónimo en inglés para “Investigación e Innovación Responsables”).

Seminario-Concierto “El intercambio y la transferencia de conocimiento entre la musicología y la música antigua”

Miércoles, 21 Noviembre 2018 - De 12:00 hasta 14:00
Albert Recasens

Siempre que se plantea la relación entre investigación y entorno socioeconómico se asocia a las llamadas industrias de alta tecnología, pero también en muchos ámbitos del sector cultural se produce esa relación virtuosa. INGENIO (CSIC-UPV) viene desarrollando desde hace más de 15 años una línea de investigación sobre el intercambio y la transferencia de conocimiento en el área de las humanidades y las ciencias sociales, uno de cuyos ejemplos paradigmáticos es la música antigua o música históricamente informada (HIP en inglés).

Is there a gender gap in research spin-offs financing? The signalling effect of the entrepreneurial team composition

Jueves, 15 Noviembre 2018 - 12:00
Elisa Salvador
ESSCA Management School

The extensive literature on research spin-offs has examined various dimensions of the phenomenon, including creation, development, and growth. However, no studies have addressed gender discrimination in financing. While the context of research spin-offs might smoothen the differences between male and female academic entrepreneurs, we argue that investors associate the presence of women into the entrepreneurial team as a negative signal for the financing decision.

Seminario interno Programas de Doctorado de la UPV

Miércoles, 24 Octubre 2018 - 10:00
Alejandra Boni, Fernando Jiménez y José-Félix Lozano

Intercambio de saberes y experiencias con las y los participantes en la Red Multibien

Jueves, 20 Septiembre 2018 - 12:00
Alejandra Boni

Este seminario pretende ser un espacio de encuentro con las y los integrantes de la Red Multibien (Análisis multidimensional de las interacciones universidad-sociedad en Iberoamérica ). Dicha red es una red multidisciplinar y compuesta por 13 grupos pertenecientes a entidades universitarias y organizaciones no gubernamentales de Argentina, Brasil, Colombia, Costa Rica, España, Portugal y Uruguay.

Bridging the gaps among publications, clinical trials and firm performance: The case of Cancer Nanocarrier Drugs

Jueves, 12 Julio 2018 - 12:00
Sihan Li

Despite the considerable amount of research on human health, relatively few publications develop into clinical trials and few clinical trials have an impact firm performance. In our research, we hope to fill the knowledge gap about the relationships among publications, clinical trials and firm performance. We will conduct a systematic literature review to justify the existing research gaps in the literature and propose a conceptual model of those relationships. Then we will collect data on firms’ publications, clinical trials and performance to verify the model.

University-Industry research centres in the context of Environment-friendly Energy Research

Jueves, 28 Junio 2018 - De 12:00 hasta 14:00
Marianne Steinmo & Thomas Lauvås
Nord University Business School (Norway)

We have studied six technological university-industry research centres that operated from 2009 to 2017 under the Norwegian public program ‘Centers for Environment-friendly Energy Research’, which has become one of the most prestigious schemes in Norway. The research centres were established in 2009 and focus on CO2 storage, bioenergy, zero-emission buildings, offshore wind energy (two centers) and solar cell technology.

The incubation process: Mechanisms that support new venture creation.

Jueves, 28 Junio 2018 - 10:00
Marit Breivik-Meyer
Nord University

Marit Breivik-Meyer will present an overview of her thesis. The main research question for her thesis is: “What is the role of incubation mechanisms in the development of incubated firms?". She is studying business incubators that are supported by the government and use mixed methods, with interviews, observations and surveys. The qualitative data have formed the basis of the surveys. The main theoretical perspectives is organizational sponsorship and co-production.

Internal seminar: Oportunidades del programa Erasmus + para INGENIO. Reflexión a partir de la experiencia.

Miércoles, 27 Junio 2018 - De 11:30 hasta 13:00

Este taller pretende generar reflexión sobre las oportunidades que ofrece el programa Erasmus + para INGENIO. A partir de las experiencias en ese programa que tanto como centro coordinador como socio han tenido el Instituto, podremos tener elementos para tomar decisiones en relación al programa en el futuro.

Innovación social en la academia: de la teoría a la acción en las universidades de América Latina

Martes, 19 Junio 2018 - 12:00
Diego Galego
Universidade de Aveiro

La innovación social juega un papel esencial en escenarios políticos, económicos, culturales y educativos. En el ámbito del proyecto Erasmus+ Students4Change, en el que participa INGENIO, la estrategia de creación de capacidades se refleja en "ponerse manos a la obra" con el propósito de integrar las metodologías de la innovación social y el emprendimiento social en el currículo académico en las universidades de América Latina. Poco a poco, el proyecto está desarrollando herramientas, competencias y capacitación para responder a los desafíos sociales que enfrenta la región.

Scientist and students in the construction of entrepreneurial opportunities for technology transfer

Jueves, 14 Junio 2018 - 12:00
Ferran Giones
University of Southern Denmark (SDU)

The involvement of external actors can have a positive impact on the technology transfer efforts of engaged academics. While open and collaborative models for technology transfer are seen as promising alternatives to traditionally closed structures, there are limited insights about the unfolding of these collaboration processes, and on the implications for new technologies commercialization. We adopt a micro-level perspective to explore the dynamics between scientists and students in the commercialization of new technologies in a university setting.

Actors of change for regional renewal: Roles and Characteristics. The case of IoT in Toulouse

Martes, 22 Mayo 2018 - 12:00
Joan Crespo
University of Toulouse

New path creation to diversify the regional economy is acknowledged to be fun- damental processes to achieve sustainable regional development. However, despite the fact that new pathways are not created by disembodied economic forces, the role of the actors involved in new development paths, the so called actors of change, remains understudied. This papers contribute to fill this gap. It offers an analytical framework to characterize different processes of path creation depending on the features of the actors of change involved, and the roles they are playing.

When the time never comes – Temporality and (IL)Legitimacy in nascent fields

Jueves, 17 Mayo 2018 - 12:00
Nina Granqvist
Management Department, Aalto University

Perceptions of temporality have a significant impact on the legitimacy of a nascent field. Expectations play a particular role in legitimation in such contexts; and studies explicate the multiple other types of temporalities that relate to change and persistence of institutions in more general terms. However, studies have yet to develop a coherent understanding on the varying ways by which temporality and legitimacy are intertwined in nascent fields.

Firms’ scope, coherence and performance: Case of India

Martes, 8 Mayo 2018 - 12:00
Emanuele Pugliese

In this work, we investigate the relationship between the scope and coherence of product basket of firms and their performance by employing an extensive database of Indian manufacturing firms with detailed information on product mix of firms. We show how the effects of the strategic choices of the firms are heterogeneous depending on the firm characteristics.

PhD Days Ingenio 2018

De Jueves, 3 Mayo 2018 - 08:00 hasta Sábado, 5 Mayo 2018 - 15:00

More information available on the conference website.

Green technologies database - general interest and further applications

Miércoles, 2 Mayo 2018 - 16:00
François Perruchas

Over the last few months we developed a database based on patents to study the evolution of green technologies. In order to make parts of these data available to the general public, we want to create an interactive website that allows users to explore these technologies, where and when they have been developed. We are therefore organizing an informal seminar to gather input from people with prior experience with this type of data.

Why do firms collaborate with local universities?

De Jueves, 26 Abril 2018 - 12:00 hasta Viernes, 27 Abril 2018 - 09:30
Rune Dahl Fitjar
University of Stavanger

This paper examines why firms sometimes collaborate locally rather than with higher-quality universities at a distance. Existing research has mostly relied on the localised knowledge spillover, or LKS, model to explain this. This model holds that knowledge transfer across distance is costly, and collaborating locally reduces the risk of information loss when the knowledge is transferred. However, there are various other reasons that could also explain the pattern. If the local university can make a useful contribution, firms might choose to look no further.

Co-location projects - Actors’ experiences with and perceptions of geographical proximity in university-industry collaborations.

Jueves, 19 Abril 2018 - 12:30
Thomas Kjeldager Ryan
Aarhus Universitet

We conduct an exploratory study of industrial and academic actors’ use of and experiences with co-location projects in the context of university-industry interactions. We provide a conceptual framework of university-industry interactions that distinguishes co-location projects from collaboration at a distance, networking and market transactions. We define co-location projects as Research and development projects in which the parties from university and industry collaborate on one or more tasks and where all or a subset of the collaborative tasks are performed in the same physical space.

RIS3 in less developed regions: insights from the Targeted Support activities in the Joint Research Centre

Jueves, 12 Abril 2018 - 12:00
Elisabetta Marinelli
European Commission Joint Research Centre (Seville, Spain)

The presentation will cover the activities of targeted support that the JRC has been developing since 2014. These combine extensive fieldwork, action-oriented research, policy analysis and peer learning and are developed in close contact with selected partner regions, among the least developed of the EU. The activities have covered RIS3 key topics, such as EDP, governance, monitoring, synergies among funds

Resource orchestration on the way to academic entrepreneurship

Miércoles, 7 Marzo 2018 - 12:00
Marie Gruber
University of Brussels

Academic entrepreneurship (AE) describes activities academics undertake in order to commercialize their research results regardless of who is the owner of the IP. For decades, the phenomenon of AE has been widely studied, both theoretically and empirically. While literature often focuses on novice or established academic entrepreneurs, we extend this scope and scrutinize the under-investigated transformation of Early-Stage-Researchers (ESR) to AE.

COL·LAB: emprender con valores

Jueves, 22 Febrero 2018 - 12:00
María José Sales & Natalia Reyes & Mª Angeles Avilés

El Col.lab es un programa dentro de “La Naves”, del Ayuntamiento de Valencia, para crear proyectos de innovación que aporten solución a las necesidades de la ciudad. Las iniciativas desarrolladas en este espacio se estructuran desde valores sociales, ambientales y financieros, que garantizan su sostenibilidad e impacto en el territorio.

En este contexto, Col.lab llega a INGENIO, para compartir experiencias enriquecedoras de proyectos innovadores que pretenden generar un impacto positivo en la ciudad.

Effect of policy incentives and the geography of exports to foster innovation in Canadian firms

Martes, 20 Febrero 2018 - 12:00
Claudia de Fuentes
Saint Mary's University

Innovation Surveys have been the key source of information for studying innovation in a fairly systematic and comparative way; several studies have used these surveys to contribute to the literature on innovation studies. This paper seeks to contribute to the literature by analyzing the impact of public policy initiatives on innovation by firms, and the interplay with the geography of exports, differentiating their effects for manufacturing and service sectors in Canadian firms for the years 2009 and 2012.

Capabilities, epistemic justice and the impact of humanities.

Jueves, 8 Febrero 2018 - 12:00
Eiríkur Smári Sigurðarson
University of Iceland

In this paper Eiríkur Smári will attempt to use theories from virtue epistemology, in particular Miranda Fricker's theories of epistemic justice, to explore the concept of social (or societal) impact as it applies to the humanities. Shifting the focus from knowledge that is created and transferred to society to capacities that are developed in individuals and societies could and should have significant effects on how we approach the question of impact in the humanities (and beyond the humanities).

Black Swan Start-ups and Place Surplus

Lunes, 29 Enero 2018 - 12:00
Sami Mahroum
INSEAD Innovation and Policy Initiative

Does your location matter for your business? What aspects of location matter the most for businesses? How are locations assessed by monitoring and policy agencies? In this seminar, Dr. Mahroum runs a collective discussion of what make a place good for business and innovation and move on to introduce the 15 key attributes that make a place conducive for innovation and growth according to established scholarly work.

Jornada Informativa Horizonte 2020 y 9º Programa Marco

Miércoles, 24 Enero 2018 - 11:00
Carmen Hormigo, Diana Castrillón & Jorge Velasco

Programa Jornada Informativa

Horizonte 2020 y 9º Programa Marco - 24 de enero de 2018


11:00  Bienvenida: Jordi Molas, Director de Ingenio

11:10 Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades: oportunidades de participación en H2020 y programas conexos Ponente: Carmen Hormigo. Directora de Programa en la Delegación del CSIC en Bruselas

Innovation Modes and Institutional Context - An exploratory study of seven European national systems of innovation (Paper co-authored with Ina Drejer).

Jueves, 11 Enero 2018 - 12:30
Marija Rakas
Aalborg University

This paper aims at contributing to broadening the understanding of the role of institutions in the functioning of national innovation systems as reflected in the behavior of innovative firms. The theoretical starting point is the literature on national innovation systems with a premise that national institutions (and overall structure of production) matters in explaining the different rates and direction of knowledge accumulation between countries.

El Parque Tecnológico Itaipú, componente activo del Desarrollo Territorial y del sistema de innovación de la Región Oeste del Estado de Paraná - Brasil.

Miércoles, 13 Diciembre 2017 - 12:00
Juan Carlos Sotuyo
Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná - UNIOESTE

El seminario presentará el modelo del Parque Tecnológico Itaipú – Brasil y su relación con el territorio en el cual está instalado, contribuyendo con el proceso de desarrollo territorial de la Región Oeste do Paraná.
la ampliación de la misión institucional de la ITAIPU Binacional, que además de generar energía limpia e renovable, siendo actualmente la mayor generadora de energía hidroeléctrica del mundo, propuso contribuir con el desarrollo económico, social, tecnológico y del turismo sustentable en la región.

Innovación, Difusión y Transferencia de Conocimiento en Sectores Estratégicos

Jueves, 30 Noviembre 2017 - 12:00
Manuel Acosta, Daniel Coronado y Esther Ferrandiz

El objetivo general del seminario es exponer y discutir algunos planteamientos y resultados recientes sobre innovación, difusión y transferencia de conocimiento en dos sectores estratégicos: defensa y agroalimentación. En el primer trabajo, Manuel Acosta destacará algunos resultados preliminares sobre las causas explicativas de la transferencia mundial de conocimiento tecnológico militar utilizando las licencias de armas como indicador. En la segunda sesión Daniel Coronado detallará la forma de abordar el análisis de tecnologías de uso dual utilizando patentes y citas de patentes.

Uses and challenges of field-comparative science studies

Jueves, 23 Noviembre 2017 - 12:00
Jochen Gläser and Grit Laudel
Technical University Berlin

Many research and consultancy problems in science studies make necessary comparisons of research processes from different fields. This is a tricky task because some relevant properties of research processes (e.g. the time bacteria need to replicate, the predictability of successful measurement or the logical structure of mathematical knowledge) are not amenable to sociological analysis.

El mapa del conocimiento científico en la Edad Moderna: la astrología

Jueves, 16 Noviembre 2017 - 12:00
Tayra Lanuza
Universitat de València

Esta presentación se centra en las fronteras entre disciplinas científicas y su situación en la edad moderna (siglos XVI y XVII), en que las distinciones eran completamente diferentes de las actuales. Las disciplinas involucradas en el estudio del mundo natural conformaban un mapa del conocimiento distinto en esta época. El término "ciencia" no tenía las implicaciones que tiene en la actualidad, en muchas ocasiones era irrelevante, y el término utilizado, scientia, incluía muchos aspectos del conocimiento y prácticas que nuestro propio concepto de ciencia ha descartado.

Un viajero indocumentado: la historia del tomate en el Mediterráneo | Semana de la Ciencia en el CSIC

Miércoles, 8 Noviembre 2017 - 12:00
María Luz López Terrada
Ingenio (CSIC-UPV)

Frente a la idea más común de que el tomate, pese a llegar a Europa a principios del siglo XVI no formó parte de la dieta habitual hasta el siglo XIX, se tratará de cómo en la Europa mediterránea de finales del siglo XVI y principios del siglo XVII era usual cultivar y comer tomates. Concretamente  de cómo en este periodo fue cuando los tomates se fueron convirtiendo en un cultivo muy extendido y en un producto habitual de las cocinas, llegando a ser en un ingrediente básico de la cultura alimentaria mediterránea.

Medicine and Early Modern Cultural Conflicts: The Moriscos

Jueves, 26 Octubre 2017 - 12:00
Bradley Mollmann
Tulane University. Investigador visitante en INGENIO

Using documentation from the Inquisition Tribunals of Toledo and Cuenca, Mollmann examines cases of "medical hechicería" as a source for understanding cultural, intellectual, and social conflicts of the sixteenth century. This presentation draws particular attention to moriscos and the ways in which popular medicine was a point of inter-community exchange in the decades leading up to the expulsion of 1609.

The digital strategy of the editorial houses: a matter of book content?

Jueves, 5 Octubre 2017 - 12:00
Elisa Salvador
ESSCA Management School

Traditional editorial houses are nowadays confronted to the emergence of online diffusion of e-books. This phenomenon forces publishing houses to make their catalogue of printed books available also in a digital version. Nonetheless, not all the publishers are on the way for publishing in digital formats. More specifically, in recent years many small digital editorial houses (i.e. selling only e-books) are appearing on the market, but most of the traditional book publishers seem to be reluctant to make available their complete catalogue in digital formats.

Tradición, calidad, y diferenciación en el sector vitivinícola de España y Portugal como Sistemas de Innovación en transición

Jueves, 7 Septiembre 2017 - 12:00
Pablo Alonso González & Eva Parga Dans
CSIC & Universidad de A Coruña

El seminario se centrará en las cuestiones económicas, políticas y culturales que sitúan al sector vitivinícola español y portugués como estratégico en sus países dentro del contexto europeo y global, explorando sus transformaciones y desafíos. Por ejemplo, ¿qué se entiende por “tradición”, “calidad” y “diferenciación” en estos contextos y cuáles son sus consecuencias sectoriales y territoriales?, ¿qué relación existe entre demandas de consumidores, etiquetado y legislación del vino, y prácticas productivas?

Resultados e implicaciones para políticas del proyecto "Innovación social colectiva para la transición hacia modelos de desarrollo humano sostenible":

Martes, 25 Julio 2017 - 12:00
Sergio Belda Miquel

En el seminario presentaremos los principales hallazgos del proyecto "Innovación social colectiva para la transición hacia modelos de desarrollo humano sostenible". El trabajo ha pretendido  comprender los procesos de aprendizaje que se dan en iniciativas comunitarias de base (grassroots innovations) que están construyendo modelo alternativos de producción y consumo más allá del mercado y del Estado, así como su contribución al desarrollo humano sostenible.

A contribution to The Critical Studies of Innovation, Godin and Vinck, 2017 (Eds): “The Economic Rationality of NOvative behavior”

Jueves, 20 Julio 2017 - 12:00
Carolina Cañibano

An analytical framework aimed at explaining the dynamics of social or economic change - such as technological innovation – should also contain the necessary theoretical elements to explain processes associated with the absence of innovation. NOvation can be conceived as a type of dynamic socio-economic process, one triggered by specific attitudes and behaviors such as not-innovating, not-using, resisting or imitating.

Servicios intensivos en conocimiento: Una taxonomía empírica para analizar posibles características de empresas-clientes

Jueves, 13 Julio 2017 - 12:00
Juliana Ballin Suzin

Los servicios intensivos en conocimiento o Knowledge Intensive Business Services (KIBS) se caracterizan como importantes fuentes de conocimiento en la economía. El desarrollo de KIBS en décadas recientes puede ser visto como uno de los principales factores de transición de una economía de base industrial hacia una base basada en el conocimiento

La aventura de generar una empresa biotecnológica: el caso Biopolis

Martes, 4 Julio 2017 - 12:00
Daniel Ramón Vidal

Hace catorce años decidimos iniciar una aventura que era una auténtica locura: crear una empresa que vendiera proyectos de I+D. No partimos de una patente preexistente ni de una tecnología novedosa. Partimos de la ilusión de transferir el conocimiento que teníamos. Hoy esa bendita locura se ha convertido en una realidad. Biopolis es una empresa biotecnológica que vende I+D en biotecnología microbiana y que es capaz de producir para sus clientes los microorganismos o los metabólicos microbianos que son el fruto de esos proyectos de investigación.

Exploring Digital Social Innovation: The case of France

Jueves, 22 Junio 2017 - 12:00
Cédric Gossart & Müge Ozman
Télécom École de Management

According to Schumpeter, economic development occurs through “gales of creative destruction” that lead to the emergence of new economic activities at the expense of obsolete ones. Because economic growth tends to generate social and environmental problems, more recently innovation scholars have used different concepts to explore “destructive creation” processes as well (Soete, 2011).

Innovation and employment dynamics in the UK

Jueves, 15 Junio 2017 - 12:00
Alberto Marzucchi
University of Sussex

How does scientists’ mobility influence the formation, dynamics and geography of scientific collaborations? Conceptual and empirical issues.

Lunes, 29 Mayo 2017 - 12:00
Bastien Barnela
Universidad de Poitiers.

My research consists in investigating the link between geographical mobility and co-authorship formation and dynamics. I consider that existing literature has largely focused on the effect of mobility and collaborations on scientific productivity, but not sufficiently on the relationship between mobility and collaborations. Moreover, literature on collaboration has mainly focused on the organisation of collaborative research and the coordination of the partners involved during projects, leaving out the genesis of collaborations and partner linkage issues.

Social Capital and Technological Start-ups in Italy

Jueves, 25 Mayo 2017 - 12:00
Matteo Tubiana
University of Torino, Italy

This paper investigates the relationship between the local endowment of Social Capital and the emergence of new innovative firms. Both Social Capital and entrepreneurship, indeed, can be described as coordination mechanisms acting via the mobilization of territorial resources. After drafting the importance of entrepreneurship for employment and technological production, we dedicate some effort to disambiguate the multifaceted concept of Social Capital.

Relaciones Universidad – Entorno Socioeconómico en países de baja capacidad de absorción: un análisis de sus determinantes y efectos en las misiones universitarias de docencia e investigación.

Jueves, 18 Mayo 2017 - 12:00
Gloria Naranjo
Universidad del Norte Barranquilla-Colombia.

El cumplimiento de la “Tercera Misión” ha llevado a las  universidades a convertirse en un actor clave en el desarrollo social y económico en sus regiones de influencia; evidenciado en una relación mucho más estrecha con diferentes agentes de su entorno y sus necesidades; esto ha permitido mejorar la competitividad y la creación de riqueza en sus regiones de influencia.  La dinámica de estas relaciones ha promovido el desarrollo de políticas públicas,  por parte de los agentes gubernamentales,  para su fomento y dinamización  y  las han constituido  en objeto de interés para investigadores.

Can competition mitigate the waste effects of corruption? An exploratory investigation of Italian public work contracts

Jueves, 11 Mayo 2017 - 12:00
Massimo Finocchiaro Castro
Mediterranean University of Reggio Calabria (Italy)

The aim of this paper is to provide an empirical test of the impact of competition in procurement to reduce the effects of ‘environmental’ corruption. For this purpose, the paper examines whether competition is able to constrain the waste effects of corruption in the area where the public work is localised. We develop prior literature on the effects of corruption on infrastructure provision assessing whether more competition matters in constraining ’environmental’ corruption. For this purpose, a two-stage analysis is carried out.

A controversies approach to infrastructure and security. Global mobility and security in an African port.

Jueves, 4 Mayo 2017 - 12:00
Iván Cuesta-Fernández.
Centre of African Studies. University of Edinburgh.

As part of the logistical infrastructure of the global economy, the political geographies of ports has received increasing attention. And indeed, old questions about economic infrastructure and political power are raised anew. However, in critical security studies, common transnational practices of securing and securitizing ports have been overemphasized. This paper uses controversies around African ports to dig deeper. To counter the emphasis on seemingly all-encompassing governmental practices, we look at technologies of governance through the lens of controversies.

How Predatory Publishers Threaten Research and Researchers

Jueves, 20 Abril 2017 - 12:00
Jeffrey Beall
University of Colorado Denver

This talk examines the phenomenon of predatory publishers and journals and the threats they pose to researchers, to research, and to scholarly communication. The speaker will also describe his work identifying predatory publishers, an effort that lasted from 2012 to early 2017. Selectivity in scholarly publishing is disappearing and peer review is failing. Consequently, anyone — including a promoter of pseudo-science — can augment his CV and earn academic credit, thanks to predatory publishers and predatory conference organizers.

Pensando la relación entre la universidad y la sociedad civil. Beneficios, desafíos y elementos facilitadores de una valiosa relación

Martes, 4 Abril 2017 - 12:00
Alejandra Boni Aristizábal

El objetivo de este seminario es analizar la relación entre la universidad y la sociedad civil, y reflexionar sobre los beneficios, desafíos y elementos facilitadores de esta relación.

The role of organisational diversity and proximity for innovation in peripheral regions of Spain and Portugal

Jueves, 9 Marzo 2017 - 12:00
Pedro Ferreira Marques

Research on innovation has helped to shed light on how firms and other organisations establish networks that allow them to share knowledge and generate new ideas. However relatively less attention has been paid to the internal dynamics within firms, particularly the interaction between different specialisations and knowledge bases. This is particularly true in the context of post-Fordist theoretical approaches, which tend to assume that specialisation, rather than diversification, is the key to innovation.

Governance of research at university: the response to demands in the context of the Scientific Journals System in Colombia (SJSC)

Jueves, 2 Marzo 2017 - 12:00
Maria Alejandra Tejada Gómez
Twente University

This presentation investigates university research governance in relation to demands from national research policies. Specifically, it studies the scientific journal system in Colombia –SJSC-, which is used as an incentive to promote knowledge production and dissemination. Journal systems are used in R&D evaluation (Shapira & Kuhlmann, 2003), and performance appraisals (Binswanger, 2015). These systems are affected by international and national demands that produce tensions in the governance of research.

Interfirm Cooperative: Organizational Form as an Enabler of SMEs’ in Exploration and Exploitation Activities

Martes, 28 Febrero 2017 - 12:00
Andrés Felipe Camargo
Twente University

Cooperatives (coops) play an important role in both economic and social development. Since the nineteenth century, coops have been providing goods and services to their members, but potentially also other customers and suppliers. But nowadays, coops face big challenges, coops address responding to the society needs and market failures. At the same time, they are solving problems for customers, members and society in innovative ways.

The interplay of ideas between research and policy in public health

Jueves, 23 Febrero 2017 - 12:00
Dr. Katherine Smith
Global Public Health Unit, University of Edinburgh

There is, according to a much debated recent paper, ‘a perfect storm’ gathering around the concept of ‘evidence-based policy’ (EBP), ‘generated by the insurgence of several concurrent crises’ (Saltelli and Giampietro, 2015: p1). This includes growing public distrust in science and academic expertise following the failings of mainstream economics that were highlighted by the 2008 global economic crisis, as well as broader indicators of public dissatisfaction with traditional policy elites.

Utilizing knowledge under scientific incertitude: Lessons from law court

Martes, 7 Febrero 2017 - 12:00
Tsuyoshi HONDOU
Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University, Sendai Japan

Scientific evidence is used in courts of law as a basis of judgment because of its independence of the parties in conflict.  I will show the inevitable, fundamental conflict between the fair treatment of scientific evidence and the adversarial system by citing a case study on the protocol of cross-examination (2008) in which the authors were an expert witness (T.H.) in a court case concerning the effects of electromagnetic fields on health. After the examination in chief, the defendant’s attorney attempted to fabricate a scientific fact by asking T.H.

El papel de los doctorados y posdoctorados en la formación de científicos

Miércoles, 2 Noviembre 2016 - 12:00
Dr. Alejandro Canales Sánchez; Dra. Mery Hamui Sutton
UNAM y UAM (México)

Se presentará un avance parcial sobre los procesos de formación de científicos, en donde se analizan los cambios en los estudios de posgrado en el sistema educativo nacional y particularmente se enfocarán las condiciones personales para realizar posdoctorados en jóvenes científicos mexicanos en tres diferentes campos de conocimiento. Es un estudio que toma como fuente de información datos estadísticos y entrevistas semiestructuradas aplicadas a jóvenes investigadores en la etapa temprana de sus carreras (Early Career Researchers).

Academic-policymaker engagement: Capability and motivation factors

Jueves, 20 Octubre 2016 - 12:00
Dr. Andrew James, Director for Engagement at MIoIR
Manchester Institute of Innovation Research, Manchester Business School

Scientific authorship of literary fiction and knowledge transfer

Martes, 18 Octubre 2016 - 12:00
Joaquín M. Azagra-Caro (Ponente) |Nicolas Robinson-García and Anabel Fernández-Mesa

Some scientists write literary fiction books in their spare time. If these books contain scientific knowledge, literary fiction becomes a mechanism of knowledge transfer. When this is the case, in the framework of the distinction of formal versus informal knowledge transfer, we conceptualise literary fiction as spare-time formal knowledge transfer. We model scientific authorship of literary fiction as a function of geographical co-location between editors and authors, and knowledge transfer as a function of the type of scientist (academic or non-academic).

Suyusama meets development : como se vinculan las cosmovisiones indígenas con el enfoque de desarrollo territorial en los discursos de actores sociales

Jueves, 29 Septiembre 2016 - 12:00
Sabine Heiss
Universidad Pablo de Olavide

En este seminario se invita a reflexionar sobre el potencial del diálogo de saberes como estrategia de innovación en el contexto universitario. Dicho diálogo se entiende como la superación de las fronteras establecidas entre el conocimiento científico que goza de “validez” y el conocimiento “ilegítimo”. Con ese fin se presentarán resultados de mi tesis doctoral sobre la interrelación entre el discurso y las desigualdades sociales. El estudio permitió dilucidar en qué medida se refleja un lenguaje crítico común de descolonización en los discursos de actores de ONGD colombianas.

Scientific and Social Impacts, Two Sides of the Same Excellence Coin for Individual Researcher Assessment?

Jueves, 26 Mayo 2016 - 12:00
Pablo D’Este, Irene Ramos-Vielba, Richard Woolley

Excellence policies in science are becoming increasingly widespread for research quality assessment in a context of growing public accountability of broader social, cultural, environmental or economic returns to society of publicly funded research. Existing approaches to research quality assessment, however, insufficiently acknowledge the heterogeneity of individual scientists’ profiles which make scientific research conducive to major contributions for society through many different pathways, involving a wide diversity of actors, outputs, and long-term impacts.

Investigación-Acción con Video Participativo. Reflexiones desde la literatura sobre Investigación Acción Participativa y el enfoque de capacidades para el desarrollo humano

Lunes, 9 Mayo 2016 - 12:00
Alejandra Boni Aristizabal

En este seminario se quieren explorar las aportaciones que el enfoque de las capacidades para el desarrollo humano en diálogo con la literatura de Investigación Acción Participativa pueden realizar para el análisis de procesos de Video Participativo (VP).

El caso de estudio sobre el que se reflexionará es el la experiencia de VP realizada en el marco del proyecto Repensando el Cambio Climático. Alternativas de Innovación Social de Base para otro modelo de desarrollo.

Más allá de la historia de la medicina académica: el pluralismo médico en la España Moderna

Jueves, 5 Mayo 2016 - 12:00
María Luz López Terrada y Carolin Schmitz

Desde hace ya bastantes años los historiadores de la medicina han manifestado un creciente interés por la coexistencia de diferentes sistemas médicos, un fenómeno muy bien conocido para las sociedades actuales y que poco a poco se ha ido incorporado al discurso histórico. Las tendencias historiográficas más recientes apuntan que tener en cuenta el pluralismo medico es absolutamente indispensable para entender de adecuadamente las estrategias frente a la salud y la enfermedad de un periodo histórico determinado.

Global Innovation Networks: state of the art and the way ahead

Viernes, 29 Abril 2016 - 12:00
Cristina Chaminade
Professor in Innovation studies, CIRCLE, Lund University

It is now commonly argued that the locus of innovation has shifted away from individual firms and their supply chains, towards territorial economies and the 'global innovation networks' (GINs) by which they are linked. Still, scholars have yet to agree on the defining characteristics of GINs and on what sets them apart from other well studied network types and configurations. This is an important limitation, because it translates into conceptual stretching that makes the drivers and implications of GINs more difficult for research to capture and understand.

How does governance shape research content? Two approaches waiting for integration

Jueves, 31 Marzo 2016 - 12:00
Jochen Gläser
Technische Universität Berlin

With this review, we want to explore contributions by science policy studies and the sociology of science to our understanding of the impact of governance on research content. This is not a straightforward task because the two fields are usually considered as separate and moving apart rather than converging. Recent reviews of science policy studies or science policy and innovation studies see them as detached from the sociology of science (Martin 2012; Martin et al. 2012; Trousset 2014).

Participatory Action Research.

Miércoles, 9 Marzo 2016 - 10:30
Dr. György Málovics
University of Szeged, Faculty of Economics, Research Centre.

Participatory Action Research (PAR) emphasizes participation and action. It aims at providing social change and empowering the people involved in the process. At the Research Centre of Faculty of Economics located in the University of Szeged, we are diverse group of five scholars who aim to bridge the gap between academia and practice by using PAR. In this presentation I will describe the projects that we are involved in as well as the theoretical foundations of those.

Bringing transparency to scientific publishing and to research ethics

Miércoles, 2 Marzo 2016 - 12:00
Michele Garfinkel
European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO)

Scientific publishing and the ways scientists use the scientific literature are changing rapidly. Obvious examples of this are the move away from print publication, and moves toward open access to text and data. But other changes in publishing are occurring as a result of the development of new ideas in science governance; in turn, some of these changes alter the way scientists and administrators look at governance.

Tecnología e innovación social en la Administración pública: co-creación de conocimiento

Jueves, 4 Febrero 2016 - 12:00
J. C. Faus Mascarell (Ayto. Gandia) / F. Gallego García (Ayto. Picanya) / L. Pérez Sarrión (Ayto. Gandia)

Las Administraciones públicas son entidades intensivas en el manejo de información; un gran banco de pruebas. Y, a su vez, motor de cambio social. En el contexto de la Administración Electrónica, más allá de las normas y reglas formales, lo que cuenta es cómo se aplica la tecnología a la realidad cotidiana. Los profesionales públicos se esfuerzan en mejorar la eficacia, la eficiencia y la equidad de los servicios, convirtiendo su trabajo diario en un reto de innovación continua, sobretodo en un entorno extremadamente cambiante y en tiempos de crisis económica.

Bienestar y desempeño eficaz en las organizaciones

Jueves, 21 Enero 2016 - 12:00
José María Peiró
Universitat de València

Las organizaciones son formaciones sociales orientadas diseñadas para el logro eficaz y eficiente de su misión y los objetivos que se derivan de ellas.

Métodos alternativos para cuantificar el impacto de la investigación a través de la Web

Lunes, 18 Enero 2016 - 12:00
Enrique Orduña-Malea
Universitat Politècnica de València

Durante décadas, la medición del impacto de los resultados de investigación (con fines evaluativos y de política científica principalmente) ha estado encorsetada a la utilización de ciertos indicadores bibliométricos extraídos básicamente del número de citas contabilizadas en las bibliografías de los materiales académicos publicados en ciertas revistas e indizados finalmente en ciertas bases de datos.

Developmental Social Capital Ties in STEM Academic Careers: The Role of Dissertation and Other Advisors

Martes, 15 Diciembre 2015 - 12:00
Julia Melkers
School of Public Policy, Georgia Tech, USA

In the development of scientific careers, faculty benefit from the resources, advice and support of key individuals in their critical career path. These interpersonal ties may not only make a difference in career paths and advancement, but in some cases even alter career directions. Drawing from theories of social capital, social cognitive career theory, studies of mentoring, and scientific and technical human capital, this research addresses the variation in the developmental social capital in academic scientific careers and related impacts.

Global Dimension in Engineering Education: A characterization of the scientific profile of GDEE community

Viernes, 27 Noviembre 2015 - 12:00
Boris Lazzarini
Institute for Sustainability Science and Technology – Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

A major challenge for higher education is to contribute to the transformation of the global society to a more sustainable and equitable one. Indeed, higher education institutions should play a significant role in promoting sustainable human development (SHD). Nevertheless, SHD is still far from being effectively integrated in the curricula.

Global competition for talent going local

Jueves, 26 Noviembre 2015 - 12:00
Ernest Miguelez Sanz
GREThA - UMR CNRS 5113 (Université de Bordeaux)

This seminar focuses on the settlement patterns of migrant inventors’ across Europe's NUTS2 territories and the United States' Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs). In particular, we analyze regional attributes attracting a larger pool of foreign talent and skill, and contrast migrant inventors’ spatial concentration to the distribution of native inventors. For this purpose, we assemble a unique and novel dataset on inventors with a migratory background residing in OECD regions, spanning a large number of years (1990-2010).

Mapping sub-authorship in science through funding acknowledgements analysis

Martes, 24 Noviembre 2015 - 12:00
Adrián Arias Diaz-Faes
Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales (CSIC)

Most bibliometric studies on collaboration in science use only coauthorship-based indicators to analyse collaborative research, which provides relevant information on the structure and dynamics of collaboration between researchers. However, as noted in the literature, if collaboration is reduced to co‐authorship some collaborative activity may be overlooked. Consequently, other sources of information on collaboration such as the acknowledgements section in scientific articles have been suggested.

University-industry research collaboration in the Brazilian oil industry: a bibliometric examination of the Petrobras case

Jueves, 19 Noviembre 2015 - 12:00
Giovanna Guimaraes Gielfi
University of Campinas-UNICAMP

This paper analyze the collaboration of the Brazilian government-controlled oil company, Petrobras and universities using bibliometric analysis. The main question that needs to be addressed is what is the nature and institutional distribution of Petrobras-university collaboration. Following the research question, this paper explores how the characteristics of collaboration change over time in terms of main partners, scientific fields and structure of Petrobras collaboration network.

Agents of structural change: The role of firms and entrepreneurs in regional diversification

Martes, 17 Noviembre 2015 - 12:00
Ron Boschma
Circle, Sweden and Utrecht University, The Netherlands

Agents of structural change

The role of firms and entrepreneurs in regional diversification

Frank Neffke, Matté Hartog, Ron Boschma, Martin Henning

F. Neffke: Harvard Kennedy School, Harvard University, M. Hartog: Harvard Kennedy School, Harvard University, R. Boschma: CIRCLE, Lund University and Urban and Regional research center Utrecht, Utrecht University, M. Henning: University of Gothenburg and Lund University.


Brain Drain, Brain Gain, Brain Return and Circulation: is Brain Drain Over?

Jueves, 5 Noviembre 2015 - 12:00
Jacques Gaillard, Institut pour la Recherche et le Développement (IRD, París) y Anne Marie Gaillard (Consultora)

This seminar will include two successive presentations. The first one will review recent trends in international scientific migration focusing on return from migration and circulation. The second one will present and discuss the specific case of return migration of highly skilled Moroccan scientists and Engineers.


Brain Drain, Brain Gain, Brain Return and Circulation: is Brain Drain Over?

by Jacques Gaillard

Collective System Building

Martes, 3 Noviembre 2015 - 12:00
Julia Planko
HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht

Entrepreneurs who want to commercialize an innovative sustainability technology, can actively build-up a supportive business-ecosystem (or innovation system) around their innovative technology. This enhances the chances of successful implementation of their innovation in society. Collective system building takes place in networks.

Experimental approaches in questionnaires: an application to innovation studies

Lunes, 26 Octubre 2015 - 12:00
Frank J. van Rijnsoever
Utrecht University

Questionnaire data is often used in the field of innovation studies to measure respondent preferences and even forecast behavior. Common approaches are using rating (e.g. Likert) or ranking scales. However, these types of measurement have their own specific drawbacks that inhibit them from accurately measuring preferences or forecasting behavior.

Characterizing the policy mix and its impact on eco-innovation in energy-efficient technologies

Jueves, 22 Octubre 2015 - 12:00
Alessandro Palma
Bocconi Università

This seminar presents the result of an empirical study of the effects of the policy mix on innovation in energy efficiency technologies. An original dataset covering 23 OECD countries over the period 1990-­-2010 combines the full set of policies in the energy efficiency domain for the residential sector with data on patents applied over the same period in this specific technological sector.

Measuring Technological novelty with patent-based indicators

Martes, 20 Octubre 2015 - 12:00
Reinhilde Veugelers
KU Leuven

 This study provides a new, more comprehensive measurement of technological novelty. Integrating insights from the existing economics and management literature, we characterize inventions ex ante along two dimensions of technological novelty: Novelty in Recombination and Novelty in Knowledge Origins. For the latter dimension we distinguish between Novel Technological and Novel Scientific Origins. For each dimension we propose an operationalization using patent classification and citation information.

Multiple and Overlapping Scientific Communities: Internal Structuration and Knowledge Diffusion in International Relations

Jueves, 15 Octubre 2015 - 12:00
Jochen Gläser
Technical University of Berlin

The aim of this project is to ascertain how the social structuration of the multiple and overlapping International Relations (IR) communities affects the diffusion of knowledge in the field of IR. In particular, we want to analyze how the various communities relate to each other and to identify the mechanisms – e.g. socialization, competition, functional and normative emulation – by which knowledge diffuses within and between them. The project is located at the intersection of International Relations and Sociology of Science.

Assessing the innovativeness of the firm through Work-Life Balance

Jueves, 8 Octubre 2015 - 12:00
Joaquín Alegre
Universitat de València


Joaquín Alegre (Corresponding author). Professor of Innovation Management. Dpt. Of Management ‘Juan José Renau Piqueras’. University of Valencia

The ITC Revolution: long-term determinants of localisation

Jueves, 24 Septiembre 2015 - 12:00
Alexandra Lopez Cermeño
Universidad Carlos III

This investigation analyses the causes of industrial localisation over the twentieth century in US counties by making emphasis on the service economy. Using census employment data by sector in four benchmark years, this paper examines the role of resource endowments and market size on county location coefficients.

Exploring biases and potential effects of S&T indicators in peripheral spaces

Martes, 28 Julio 2015 - 12:00
Ismael Rafols
Instituto de Gestión de la Innovación y del Conocimiento, INGENIO (CSIC-UPV)

Exploring biases and potential effects of S&T indicators in peripheral spaces


Jordi Molas-Gallart1*, Ismael Rafols1,2+, Diego Chavarro2 and Richard Woolley1

1Ingenio (CSIC-UPV), Universitat Politècnica de València, València, Spain

Reaching for the stars: the boundary conditions of basic-research collaborations between university star scientists and pharmaceutical companies

Martes, 21 Julio 2015 - 12:00
Relinde Colen
KU Leuven & Research Foundation - Flanders

While prior research has characterized star scientists as extraordinary contributors to their domain and carriers of extensive human and social capital, empirical studies report controversial results on their effect upon colleagues and collaborators. This paper explores the role of academic star scientist as firms’ collaboration partners in basic research. We explore the conditions under which these star-firm collaborations in basic research are most beneficial for the innovative performance of the collaborating firm.

What can Responsible Research and Innovation learn from the Human Capabilities approach?

Jueves, 16 Julio 2015 - 12:00
Alejandra Boni; Richard Woolley

The concept of responsible research and innovation (RRI) or responsible innovation (RI) has become steadily more central to the perceived futures of innovation and socio-economic development in Europe. According to the December 2014 Rome Declaration on RRI in Europe, RRI is the ‘on-going process of aligning research and innovation to the values, needs and expectations of society’.

Centres of Expertise and Quality of Care for Rare Disease Patients in Europe

Jueves, 9 Julio 2015 - 12:00
Richard Woolley
Instituto de Gestión de la Innovación y del Conocimiento, INGENIO (CSIC-UPV)

This seminar provides a case study of the conduct of contract research at the European level linked to a rapidly evolving policy landscape. It discusses three aspects of social science work in partnership with a consortia of health and medical experts and organizations. First, it describes the conduct of a Work Package on the organization of diagnosis, treatment and care for Rare Disease patients in the context of the Member State policy collaboration and the European cross-border healthcare initiative.

La transversalidad de las Ciencias Sociales en la elaboración de propuestas y aspectos legales y financieros del H2020

Martes, 30 Junio 2015 - 11:00
Carmen Hormigo
Punto Nacional de Contacto para los asuntos legales y financieros de H2020 y Directora de Programa dependiente de la Oficina del CSIC en Bruselas.

El Instituto de Gestión de la Innovación y del Conocimiento, INGENIO (CSIC-UPV) presenta el seminario  “LA TRANSVERSALIDAD DE LAS CIENCIAS SOCIALES EN LA ELABORACIÓN DE PROPUESTAS Y ASPECTOS LEGALES Y FINANCIEROS DEL H2020”, que tendrá lugar el próximo martes 30 de junio, a las 11 horas, en el Salón de Actos del cubo rojo de la Ciudad Politécnica de la Innovación (CPI) de la Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV). El seminario será impartido por Dña.

Multi-disciplinary Knowledge Brokerage for Social Change: Developing the knowledge base to increase the efficacy of professional voluntarism in low resource settings

Lunes, 15 Junio 2015 - 12:00
Louise Ackers
University of Salford, UK

Multi-disciplinary Knowledge Brokerage for Social Change:  Developing the knowledge base to increase the efficacy of professional voluntarism in low resource settings

Case Study: Improving Maternal and Newborn wellbeing in Uganda

Decision-making skills of local government representatives applied in the transnational urban governance projects

Jueves, 11 Junio 2015 - 12:00
Michaela Bátorová
Universitat de València

In this seminar, Bátorová presents a research proposal for her post-doctoral research focused on the internationalization of urban governance.

Estudio CTS en las humanidades digitales

Lunes, 8 Junio 2015 - 11:00
Dominique Vinck
Universidad de Lausana

Los investigadores en CTS (Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad) están acostumbrados en estudiar lo que pasa en las ciencias naturales, medicina y ciencias de la vida, y con la introducción de nuevas tecnologías en la sociedad (entre otras las TICs), pero muy rara vez están mirando las ciencias sociales y la humanidades. Con la introducción de nuevas tecnologías digitales, esas ciencias también se transforman, nuevas prácticas y comunidades surgen. Es el caso con las humanidades digitales.

‘Ciudades Inteligentes’ y Transiciones Socio-Técnicas. Hacia una agenda más inclusiva en las ciudades del Sur Global

Jueves, 4 Junio 2015 - 12:00
Gynna Millan Franco
Queen Mary University of London

El término ‘Ciudades Inteligentes’ ó ‘Smart Cities' se ha convertido en uno de los más frecuentes dentro de la narrativa de la planificación urbana del siglo 21. Podría decirse que es la última utopía urbana con la que gobiernos de un significativo número de ciudades del mundo pretenden mitigar los efectos de la tan predicha explosión de habitantes urbanos que se avecina a nivel global para el 2020. La agenda de las ‘Ciudades Inteligentes’ está basada, principalmente, en el uso exhaustivo de datos para la organización y control de todos los aspectos de la vida urbana.

Low-skill employment in Spanish Local Labour Markets

Jueves, 21 Mayo 2015 - 11:00
Mabel Sánchez Barrioluengo

Low-skill employment in Spanish Local Labour Markets

Davide Consoli

Mabel Sánchez-Barrioluengo

The present paper contributes to the debate on the influence of technological change on labour with an empirical study of the evolution of employment in Spanish local labour markets. It builds on and contributes to existing literature by:

Innovation platforms lead green capabilities building for green start-ups to establish sustainable business partnerships

Martes, 12 Mayo 2015 - 12:00
Anna Karina López Hernández
Universitat Politècnica de València.

In recent years, the EU defined the basis to create innovation platforms to tackle down the Climate Change and boosting green innovation start-ups (GIS) for urban sociotechnical transition. The goals of these platforms are providing enterprising know-how, triggering innovation competence, highlighting potential innovation for angel investment, new technologies launching, and make adequate stimulation of integration of multi-firm complementarities through living labs (LLs).

Exploring emerging innovation system in regenerative medicine: Role of university in innovating and commercializing new therapies.

Jueves, 7 Mayo 2015 - 12:00
Tuomo Heinonen
University of Tampere

In this seminar, Tuomo Heinonen presents his plan and preliminary results of doctoral thesis. Thesis focus on innovation in regenerative medicine (RM), which is a new stream in healthcare beside medicine and surgery with the aim of restoring normal human functioning by replacing or regenerating cells, tissues or organs. RM includes products from all the pillars of healthcare i.e. pharmaceuticals, biopharmaceuticals, medical devices and cell therapies, and focus in this study is especially in cell therapy industry.

El Programa de Estímulos a la Innovación del CONACyT en México: su efecto en el aprendizaje tecnológico de las empresas beneficiarias, 2009-2013

Martes, 24 Marzo 2015 - 12:00
Gabriela Becerril Posadas
Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México

Medir el impacto de una intervención pública que intenta fomentar la innovación tecnológica en las empresas es una cuestión complicada. El problema se ha abordado desde diferentes perspectivas como los estudios macroeconómicos, técnicas estadísticas paramétricas y no paramétricas que intentan reconstruir el contrafactual (lo que hubiera sucedido si la intervención no existiera) y evaluaciones narrativas.

Scientific publishing, research assessment, and responsible research

Miércoles, 11 Marzo 2015 - 12:00
Dr. Michele Garfinkel
European Molecular Biology Organisation

Scientific publishing and the ways scientists use the scientific literature are changing almost on a daily basis. Obvious examples of this are the move away from print publication, and the move toward open access. But other changes in publishing are occurring as a result of the development of new ideas in science governance; in turn, some of these changes alter the way scientists and administrators look at governance.

El mundo bruselense de la I+I

Lunes, 2 Marzo 2015 - 12:00
Prof. Jorge Velasco González
Coordinador Institucional Delegación del CSIC en Bruselas


Descripción del proceso de definición, elaboración y puesta en marcha de la política europea de I+I por las Instituciones Europeas (Consejo, Parlamento Europeo y Comisión) y de las Instituciones públicas nacionales (agencias de fnanciación, organismos encargados de la ejecución de la I+I), tomando como ejemplo práctico la actuación de la Delegación del CSIC.

Articulando el modelo universitario español a partir de sus misiones: un análisis de la contribución al entorno regional mediante variables latentes

Jueves, 26 Febrero 2015 - 12:00
Mabel Sánchez Barrioluengo
Instituto de Gestión de la Innovación y del Conocimiento, INGENIO (CSIC-UPV)
The structural and functional transformations observed in universities and Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) over the last decades have accelerated the transformation of their role in society. Traditional missions such as teaching and research are now seen as part of a broader and complex nexus of activities, while at the same time university is increasingly expected to engage with its surrounding environment.

Urban re-scaling: a scenario post-crisis for a Spanish city. Valencia and its megaregion

Viernes, 13 Febrero 2015 - 12:00
Ramon Marrades
Econcult (Cultural Economics Research Unit, University of Valencia)

The present economic crisis follows three different dimensions in Spain: an economic dimension linked to the explosion of the construction bubble, a social dimension represented by the loss of confidence in public institutions and in traditional political parties, and a third dimension that questions the territorial model of governance.

Mapping and understanding Responsible Research and Innovation

Jueves, 5 Febrero 2015 - 12:00
Barbara Ribeiro
The University of Nottingham

Mapping and understanding Responsible Research and Innovation; Barbara E. Ribeiro, Robert D. J. Smith and Kate Millar; Centre for Applied Bioethics, University of Nottingham, UK.

La formación en salud desde un enfoque de justicia social. El caso de un curso de odontología en Brasil.

Lunes, 19 Enero 2015 - 12:00
Michelle Bandeira Teixeira
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

En este seminario la investigadora Michelle Bandeira  presentará los resultados parciales de su tesis de doctorado.

La tesis tiene como objetivo proponer una estructura teórico metodológica para analizar la formación en salud en el ámbito de la justicia social. El marco teórico utilizado para este análisis es el enfoque de capacidades, propuesto por Amartya Sen y Martha Nussbaum.

Co-creating cross-border innovation ecosystems: Lessons from the European Institute of Innovation and Technology

Viernes, 19 Diciembre 2014 - 12:00
José Manuel Leceta

Europe has a number of world-class Universities, inventive research centers, large companies and a vibrant SME fabric. However, notwithstanding long standing support to collaborative R&D by European Union institutions and Member States, evidence shows that few young leading innovators created in the last 25 years of the 20th century have European roots, a tenth of those originated in the US. Also, taking aside defense, European citizens already invest publicly per capita more than their US citizens.

Defining social innovation: conceptual boundaries and pitfalls

Jueves, 11 Diciembre 2014 - 12:00
Mónica Edwards

Despite we are living under the social innovation imperative, the definition of Social Innovation (SI) remains elusive and its description as 'buzzword' or 'quasi-concept' even questions the substance of the term. This seminar will present a study examining the conceptualization of SI over the last six decades in order to answer the following questions:


Development in Poland - Local and regional perspective

Jueves, 4 Diciembre 2014 - 12:00
Jacek Strojny
Faculty of Management in Rzeszow University of Technology, Rzeszow, Poland

Socio-economic development after 1989 in Poland may be regarded as a standard for the transformation of a centrally planned economy to a free-market economy. After 25 years of transition and nearly 10 years of activity in the structures of the European Union, we should consider the challenges posed by the modern global economy. These relate to a number of dimensions: cultural, political, economic, etc. The presentation is focused on the following issues:

Theory of the innovation commons

Martes, 4 Noviembre 2014 - 12:00
Jason Potts
School of Economics, Finance & Marketing, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia

This seminar will be about the theory of innovation, the possibilities of innovation policy, and the prospects of self-governance solutions. Specifically, I will explore what seem to be two distinct views on 'the innovation problem' (a la Arrow 1962). The first is the standard model of market failure that is solved through government action, with its suite of policy solutions including R&D tax credits, public funding of science & research, and intellectual property.

The entrepreneurial Laureates

Jueves, 30 Octubre 2014 - 12:00
Pauline Mattsson
Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm
(Pauline Mattsson and Katarina Nordqvist)

New policy practices for a challenge-led, broad-based model of transformative innovation. Climate-KIC Transition Cities and the reconfiguring of situated sociotechnical networks.

Martes, 28 Octubre 2014 - 12:30
Fred Steward
Policy Studies Institute, University of Westminster,London

The seminar addresses the implications of the European innovation policy turn toward societal challenges such as climate change.  The new challenge-led approach reframes the policy agenda compared to the traditional technology-driven model.  It is more attuned to systemic rather than singular innovation, and offers a broader definition of innovation which highlights social, organisational, and business model novelty.  It is argued that this offers a richer and realistic perspective for the radical pervasive changes needed for the transition to a low carbon soc

Forsaking Innovation: the Effect of Firm Failure on Exploratory and Exploitative Strategies

Miércoles, 22 Octubre 2014 - 12:00
Chiara Marzocchi
Manchester Institute of Innovation Research (MIoIR). The University of Manchester

(Chiara Marzocchi, Ronnie Ramlogan)

Reframing the ‘impact’ debate: understanding what defines societally usable scientific knowledge

Jueves, 16 Octubre 2014 - 12:00
Paul Benneworth
Center for Higher Education Policy Studies, University of Twente

(with Julia Olmos Peñuela & Elena Castro-Martínez)

How might higher education orient professionals towards social justice? The index of pro-public good capabiities in South Africa.

Martes, 7 Octubre 2014 - 12:00
Melanie Walker
Director of Centre for Research on Higher Education and Development (CRHED), University of the Free Sate, South Africa.

This seminar will explore a case for how university-based professional education in South Africa might contribute to the public good, in particular to poverty-reduction.
The main arguments are located within the domain of human development which recognizes that while economic well-being is necessary to human well-being, it is insufficient.In this conception of human development the focus is on improving lives and expanding choices and opportunities in a range of dimensions of life.

The influence of collaboration on firm publications: Evidence from pharmaceutical cancer research

Martes, 30 Septiembre 2014 - 12:00
Maureen Mc Kelvey
University of Gothenburg

Although bio-pharmaceutical companies engage intensely in collaboration as well as in scientific publications it is not well understood how and why the choice of distinct partner types affects the quality of companies’ scientific publications. We contribute to this gap in the existing literature by analyzing whether collaboration with particular types of partners and whether network embeddedness influences the quality of publications in cancer research, and specifically of the scientific publications of biotech and of pharmaceutical companies.

Reproducción organizativa y formación de capacidades en el cluster de la cerámica de Castellón: Génesis, Spinoffs y formación de capacidades

Jueves, 25 Septiembre 2014 - 12:30
María Lleó de Nalda
Universitat Politècnica de València. Dpto. de Organización de Empresas

¿Cuáles son los principales mecanismos que dirigen el proceso aglomeración industrial y de formación de capacidades en un territorio? La investigación acerca de la evolución espacial de la industria ha generado una tensión entre dos perspectivas diferentes aún no resuelto (i) el papel desempeñado por las economías de aglomeración y, (ii) la reproducción organizativa espacial a través de spinoffs.

Modalidades de producción de conocimiento interdisciplinario en Educación Superior (Uruguay)

Miércoles, 17 Septiembre 2014 - 12:00
Bianca Vienni
Universidad de la República (Uruguay)

Desde el año 2009, la conformación del Espacio Interdisciplinario (EI) de la Universidad de la República (UDELAR, Uruguay) tuvo, entre sus objetivos principales, promover y fortalecer las prácticas de investigación interdisciplinaria en el contexto más amplio de la Universidad.

Patterns of local R&D cooperation in foreign subsidiaries. The case of food and drink multinationals operating in Spain

Jueves, 17 Julio 2014 - 12:30
Ruth Rama
Instituto de Economía, Geografía y Demografía del CSIC

   We performed econometric analysis to identify some of the main features of food and beverages foreign subsidiaries engaged in local R&D cooperation.  The contribution of foreign subsidiaries to local networks of innovators seems to be financial and, probably, commercial rather than technical.  Foreign subsidiaries which display high R&D intensity, a large number of R&D employees or a large share of new products in turnover are not necessarily engaged in local R&D ne

Agglomerations and firm performance: is every company gaining the same?

Jueves, 10 Julio 2014 - 12:00
Jose Luis Hervás Oliver
Dpto. de Organización de Empresas. UPV

The study integrates economic geography literature with the strategic management strand, providing a cross-fertilization framework in order to explore the relationship between agglomerations and innovation. Competitors’ agglomerations may create benefits in forms of externalities which render extra sources of external (to the firm) knowledge. When such externalities exist, then who gains from whom? Despite an important body of research on this topic, the evidence is inconclusive and mostly based on few particular industries.

R&DCooperation of National and International firms

Jueves, 26 Junio 2014 - 12:00
Verónica Fernández Gual
Universitat Rovira i Virgili

This paper investigates the determinants of the firm’s decisions to engage R&D cooperation,differentiating between if the cooperation is with national or internationalpartners. In our analysis we compare the six types of cooperation partners: cooperationwith competitors, suppliers or customers, and institutions from Spain, andcooperation with competitors, suppliers or customers, and institutions from acountry outside Spain, looking at whether is a foreign firm or domestic firm.

Regional Human Capital and University Orientation: A case study on Spain

Jueves, 12 Junio 2014 - 12:00
Mabel Sánchez Barrioluengo

This paper analyzes the determinants of human capital (HC) endowment in Spanish regions. To do so we elaborate an empirical analysis grounded in the interface of two consolidated areas of research. On the one hand is the literature on economic geography that articulates in great detail the effect of local characteristics on the performance of a regional economy. At the same time, we argue, the traditional measures of human capital in these studies mostly focus on the supply-side (i.e. total number of graduates) thus neglecting altogether the dynamics of local labour markets.

What are the factors underlying researchers’ openness to incorporate external influences in their research process?

Jueves, 12 Junio 2014 - 12:00
Julia Olmos Peñuela

Ambiguity surrounding the effect of external engagement on academic research has raised questions about what motivates researchers to collaborate with third parties. This paper contributes to this debate by progressing beyond the idea that researchers engage with society simply because of direct benefits. We argue that what matters for society is research that can be absorbed by users. We define ‘openness’ as a willingness by researchers to make research more usable by external partners by responding to external influences in their own research activities.

Building TMT's Absorptive Capacity: Focusing on Transactive Memory and CEO's Tenure

Jueves, 29 Mayo 2014 - 12:00
Ana García Granero

A full understanding of macro-level constructs requires a deep study of their micro-foundations or subsystems. Firm level constructs are created and shaped by lower-level psychological and behavioral mechanisms. We argue that it is necessary to clarify the influence of the CEO, the top management team (TMT) and their complementarities on TMT absorptive capacity. Through the study of 613 medium sized firms, we propose that TMT absorptive capacity could be more oriented to potential or realized absorptive capacity depending on the CEO tenure and the TMT transactive memory.

Investigating the impacts of technological positions and European environmental regulations on automotive patent activity

Jueves, 10 Abril 2014 - 12:00
Nicolò Barbieri
University of Bologna

Using patent data on 755 applicants that carry out environmental inventions related to the road transport of passengers and goods, we investigate whether the environmental transport policy portfolio and the technological positions of assignees, boost green patent production. Our findings suggest that post-taxes fuel prices and European emission standards, introduced in the empirical model through an innovative methodology, influence positively the creation of environmental inventions.

A highly cited university patent: formalisation and localisation of its diffusion

Jueves, 3 Abril 2014 - 12:00
David Barberá

The prevalent state of opinion acknowledges that contributions of universities to technological innovation should be not only spontaneous but also planned. The shift has obscured the need for further understanding of what is behind academic spillovers, and especially of the relation between localised and delocalised spillovers. A case study of one of the most cited university patents show some underlying patterns of spillovers, and of the complexity of achieving local impact.

Valoración de la actividad de las oficinas de transferencia de resultados de investigación

Jueves, 6 Marzo 2014 - 12:00
Pablo Aragonés Beltrán

El objetivo de este seminario es presentar un método de análisis del grado de alineamiento entre los objetivos establecidos por la Universidad para su OTRI y los resultados que esta oficina logra a través de las acciones que ejecuta para satisfacerlos. Se ha desarrollado el trabajo mediante el estudio del caso de la OTRI de la UPV. Para realizar el estudio se ha empleado el Proceso Analítico Jerárquico (AHP) y el Proceso Analítico en Red (ANP). La OTRI analizada presenta un alto grado de alineamiento, si bien con algunos aspectos a mejorar.

Teaching innovation to innovation novices: is rock'n'roll the answer?"

Martes, 25 Febrero 2014 - 12:00
Magnus Gulbrandsen
Centre for Technology, Innovation and Culture, University of Oslo

Given the popularity of the innovation concepts, many innovation scholars are called upon to give general lectures about innovation to practitioners and not least to students from other disciplines, students who have not actively chosen to study innovation but who take it as part of another programme. Often this is in the form of a course in "Innovation and entrepreneurship" or something similar, and the poor medical, engineering or humanities students may even have this as a compulsory course. So how can we do it?

Configuring Spaces and Flows for Rare Disease in Europe

Jueves, 20 Febrero 2014 - 12:00
Richard Woolley

The organization and delivery of improved quality of care for Rare Disease (RD) patients confronts a fundamental challenge: how to make knowledge and expertise that is itself scarce available to the sufferers of RDs in a timely and accessible manner. At the European level criteria are being developed for the designation of Centres of Expertise (CEs) and the establishment of Reference Networks (ERNs) with the objective of addressing this challenge.

Seminars 2013-2014 XII - Richard Wooley, Configuring Spaces and Flows for Rare Disease in Europe

Jueves, 20 Febrero 2014 - 12:00
Richard Wooley

The organization and delivery of improved quality of care for Rare Disease (RD) patients confronts a fundamental challenge: how to make knowledge and expertise that is itself scarce available to the sufferers of RDs in a timely and accessible manner. At the European level criteria are being developed for the designation of Centres of Expertise (CEs) and the establishment of Reference Networks (ERNs) with the objective of addressing this challenge.

Personal network analysis: methods and applications

Miércoles, 12 Febrero 2014 - 12:00
Miranda Lubbers & José Luis Molina
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

In this presentation we aim to give an overview of the field of personal network analysis. We will define personal networks, describe for which aims they are used, and describe briefly how they are being measured and what is known so far. The presentation will be illustrated with examples from our own research projects. We will pay special attention to the latest developments in the field, such as EgoNet's new features, clustered graphs, the longitudinal analysis of personal networks with RSiena, and combining egonetworks into whole networks.

The greener the better: job creation and environmentally friendly technological change

Viernes, 31 Enero 2014 - 12:00
Giovanni Marin
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Italy

This paper investigates the link between environment related innovation and job creation at firm level. Employing Italian data on 4,507 manufacturing firms, matched with patent records for the period 2001-2008, we test whether “green” innovation, measured using the number of environment related patents, has a positive effect on long run employment growth that is specific with respect to non environmental innovation. Results show a strong positive impact of “green” innovation on long run job creation, substantially bigger than the effect of other innovations.

¿Puede ayudar el enfoque de las capacidades para el desarrollo humano a repensar la universidad?

Martes, 28 Enero 2014 - 12:00
Alejandra Boni Aristizábal
Universitat Politècnica de València

En este seminario se abordarán los elementos centrales del enfoque de las capacidades para el desarrollo humano y las perspectivas que abre para repensar la universidad. Según esta aproximación, el objetivo de cualquier proceso de desarrollo, y de las instituciones que lo impulsan (como puede ser la universidad), es ampliar las capacidades de las personas, lo que éstas son capaces de hacer o ser.

Patent examiners amending applicants: citation-based measures of trust in a country’s technological production

Jueves, 23 Enero 2014 - 12:00
Joaquin Maria Azagra Caro

Patent citations provide a flawed measure of knowledge flows, since differences in who inserted them (applicants or examiners) may alter the results of geographical analyses. However, these differences are useful to build indicators about trust in a country’s technological production. We find huge variation in the probability of an applicant originating a citation rather than the examiner across European countries, with European Patent Office (EPO) data of over 3,500,000 citations in years 1997-2007. Lower values of this probability indicate higher trust.

Política de alta tecnología. Los distritos tecnológicos en Italia. El caso de la nanotecnología en el Véneto

Jueves, 9 Enero 2014 - 12:00
Enrique Tortajada

Ante la necesidad de desarrollar actividades de alto contenido tecnológico apoyándose en I+D de vanguardia, de acuerdo con los objetivos de la Declaración de Lisboa en el seno de UE, el gobierno italiano a través del MIUR (Ministerio de la Educación, de la Universidad y de la Investigación), a partir de los primeros años de la década del 2000, apoyó la constitución de Distritos Tecnológicos (DT) de ámbito regional distribuidos por toda la geografía italiana, con la participación necesaria de los gobiernos regionales y las principales universidades y centros de i